UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25More


New Member
Re: UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25

Is 1.1 Currently broken I cannot get youtube to write to the file


New Member
Re: UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25

I use to use this in the past but when I re-added I experience a problem on Windows 7 chrome where the NPAPI file IO for chrome could not be loaded.

I'm no expert in this sort of stuff, but I googled tediously and tried to make it work, only thing I noticed that was out of place but I could not change is the plugin location at chrome://plugins/ showed up as...
"...\1.1_0\lib/npNPAPIFileIOforChrome.dll" with a forward slash in the directory from lib to the .dll


Re: UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25

No problems here :(
Edit : Can you try another website in order to see if your problem is only for youtube ?
Did you successfully set your save directory ?

I just tried on windows 7, no problems at all :(


New Member
Re: UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25

Wylk said:
No problems here :(
Did you successfully set your save directory ?

I just tried on windows 7, no problems at all :(

thanks for the response. Yea checked save direct it's fine, I even tried the user thing, still no beuno


New Member
Re: UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25

It's not working for Youtube for me as well...

I have it currently working with Spotify though.


New Member
Re: UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25

Hey Wylk

Can confirm, it's working for pandora but not youtube. Note this is on windows 8 however! Thanks for all your work!


Re: UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25

@keiranthil & Draghin
Do you use the latest version (1.1) ?
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/344 ... N_v1.1.crx
I don't have any problem with Youtube :(
If it persist, can you post (with pastebin.com or something like that) your console ? (F12 then go to console tab then F5)

Sorry the link is a bit hidden in this topic (because the first post is stuck on the last version of untamed), I'll do a new topic soon.


New Member
Re: UNP Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM +25

I am trying to integrate this with Nightbot.

When I enter my username / API and go to save, it results in a 400 Bad Request.

Am I doing something incorrectly?


New Member
I just got a hold of this script (started with v0.6.1 then came across this thread and now have 1.1) and am running into the notorious "Could not load NPAPI File IO for Chrome."

My system information is that I'm running Windows 8.1 Professional x64. I have already tried running Chrome in compatibility mode for Windows 7 and am still getting the message.

My Chrome version is: Version 35.0.1883.0 dev-m


Community Helper
Is untamed not keeping up his version of UNP, and is UNPN the actual version now? I could merge this forum thread into the new resource page, but I'd rather not if there is a difference between UNP and UNPN.


Yes, UNPN is just my fork of the untamed version.
Anyway I don't think that merging the thread is necessary
Thanks :)


New Member
I can't seem to add my Nightbot API code to the extension. I fill in my API details, click save, and it just sticks there until I refresh, and never saves. Thanks for the great work

Console says: POST https://nightbot.tv/api/auth 400 (Bad Request) .


New Member
I have installed UNP but I can't find the .txt file or anything to do with unp in the console I am trying to use soundcloud but nothing is generating a txt file pl0x help


New Member
Google Update broke my app. I'm unable, even in developer mode, to update it or use it.
I can't select it from "Load unpacked extension" It's grayed out completely.
Note: It was a manual chrome update, It would still work if I had not updated Chrome, not sure if there is a way to revert, that would probably be the only way to fix this.
Curious if this has happen to anyone else.


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