Question / Help Turning of "build in" audio capture


New Member
Hey Jim!

I have no experience in programming coding whatsoever so if yo can explain that to me please do it so some totally newbie can understand it :)

My "Problem/Wish" is the following:

I have the following streaming setup:
Microphon -> My voice
Wave -> Spotify Music + Ingame Sound
Speakers -> Ingame sound

I want to stream so i can do commentary + viewers listen to my music + ingame sound.

The problem i now have is that due to the functionality of my xonar dx soundcard i have double ingame sound on my stream with one slightly lagging behind (like half a sec or so).

This is due to wave recording the ingame sound as well as obs does for a standard.

So i need to deactivate this function in obs so i can ONLY record from wave.

I actually use virtual audio cable to get wave + mic on one audiodevice so i can enable it as if it would be one in obs (as there is no "two audio devices" support yet (i know you are working on it much thanks for that).

Where do I have to go to change/delete the standard speaker device in obs and only use my set aux device?

Thanks alot :)


New Member
That's not possible cause then i myself cannot hear the ingame sound.

The Wave device somehow get's all the audio and puts all ingame stuff etc. out but only if seletected as device to listen to (e.g. in a programm like obs) it's displayed as input device not output device o i cannot set it to my standard output device istead of my speakers.


Explanation for the picture:

Lautsprecher = all the sound that >> I << Can hear, be it ingame sound, windows sound, browser sound whatever EXCEPT Spotify
Microphon = what i speak into my mic
Wave = Spotify + all what "Lautsprecher" is doing.

Strangely enough > I < am able to hear spotify while wave is turned off but no other device is responding to the spotify music (green baars jumping up and down according to the music) and it is not on the stream until i turn wave back on.

Again for my obs settings:
I have merged wave (= alll sound + spotify ) and microphon (= my voice) to "one virtual device" which I use in obs as aux device. That device alone gives me all the sound i need (=ingame sound + spotify + mic). But obs is recording the standard windows sound device (= Lautsprecher) as well which records all ingame sound etc. too, what causes echo.

I hope it's clear now :D sorry for the confusion.


Forum Moderator
R1CH said:
Just click the speaker icon to mute the desktop audio.
forsakeNXE said:
That's not possible cause then i myself cannot hear the ingame sound.

No, not that speaker icon, this one:



New Member
omg i love you :D thanks! :)

Edit: Hm maybe itÄs not working >,> reporting back shortly.

Edit2: YES it works <3 THANKS! :)