at the moment these are my settings
encoding: CBR/YES
bitrate is 1600/1600
video: 1184x666 no downscale
60 fps disable aero
cpu preset veryfast
and my specs are:
cpu=amd fx-8320
mobo=msi 970A-G43
8gb ram
nvidia geforce gtx 560
at the moment i havent tried streaming 720p because it gets more pixelation.
and people have also told me that i can make it depend on my cpu more to render the quality.
mainly asking
what are the secrets to getting less pixelation.
because i have better specs then one of my friends but his stream has to pixelation, and we have the same internet speed.
and ive been wondering as well. ive read in forums that using your monitor resolution, then downscaling to 720 looks better then normal 720 without downscale. any tips would be greatly appreciated
heres a preview of the pixelation :O
encoding: CBR/YES
bitrate is 1600/1600
video: 1184x666 no downscale
60 fps disable aero
cpu preset veryfast
and my specs are:
cpu=amd fx-8320
mobo=msi 970A-G43
8gb ram
nvidia geforce gtx 560
at the moment i havent tried streaming 720p because it gets more pixelation.
and people have also told me that i can make it depend on my cpu more to render the quality.
mainly asking
what are the secrets to getting less pixelation.
because i have better specs then one of my friends but his stream has to pixelation, and we have the same internet speed.
and ive been wondering as well. ive read in forums that using your monitor resolution, then downscaling to 720 looks better then normal 720 without downscale. any tips would be greatly appreciated
heres a preview of the pixelation :O