Bug Report Tiny freezes


New Member
Smoshi said:
Have you tried calling your ISP? It might not be a problem with the OBS version you switched to. Maybe your ISP is doing what a lot of others are... traffic shaping. If all else fails, you can always revert back to an earlier version of OBS.

Try this tool to test if you're being effected by traffic shaping.

http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~partha/diffpr ... rProbe.exe
No shaping it seems. :)

DiffProbe release. January 2012. Build 1008.
Shaper Detection Module.

Connected to server

Estimating capacity:
Upstream: 132931 Kbps.
Downstream: greater than 200 Mbps.

The measurement will take upto 2.5 minutes. Please wait.

Checking for traffic shapers:

Upstream: No shaper detected.
Median received rate: 130330 Kbps.

Downstream: No shaper detected.
Median received rate: 182522 Kbps.

Tryed streaming at 1080p/60fps after I saw that its alright at 720p/60fps and I saw the freezes again.Probably something at my end that its wrong.Gonna do some more testing it seems until I am happy with the result.