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OBS Lua Teletype News Ticker 1.2.1


New Member
PhoebeZeitler submitted a new resource:

Teletype News Ticker - Display a teletype (one-character at a time) news ticker from a text file.

This is a script that will allow you to display the lines of a specific text file, one line at a time, with a teletype effect (renders one character at a time). You can specify the file to read, the teletype delay (in tenths of a second), and the time to display each completed line (in seconds).

Important: this has only been tested with single-character-width text. UTF-8 support (ie non-Latin character sets) is upcoming if/when the Luajit engine in OBS is updated to Lua 5.3 or...

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New Member
PhoebeZeitler updated Teletype News Ticker with a new update entry:

1.0 released

I've made some improvements to the teletype ticker script.
  • The default path for teletype source files can be specified in the script (requires editing the script and reloading).
  • A toggle for the ability to reload the source file once it reaches the end of the file has been added. This allows you to edit the file currently in use and not have to go into the scripts menu to manually reload the file.
As always, please let me know if you've encountered any problems or if you...

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New Member
I am using it 3 times(changed the .lua file names) on one scene. It would be really nice if I could add multiple sources so it would cycle through them after one is complete and showing for say 1-31 seconds it then does the ticker type for the next one.

Also would be cool if we could have the choice of a leading letter(s) when its typing out. (i.e. ..., //, >, etc.)
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Man this lua is insane, i love it. I use it for last follower, sub, donator. There's possibility to use this "animation" only when text change from file? For example, when someone follow me, text change and so script writes this new name with animation. But if file doesn't change, script is stopped.


New Member
Great script. Could you make that the script start only when the scene containing the text is switched on?


New Member
Great script. Could you make that the script start only when the scene containing the text is switched on?
I'll add this to my list of tasks for the next update.

Man this lua is insane, i love it. I use it for last follower, sub, donator. There's possibility to use this "animation" only when text change from file? For example, when someone follow me, text change and so script writes this new name with animation. But if file doesn't change, script is stopped.
I'm not sure how I could do this efficiently, but I'll consider it.

I am using it 3 times(changed the .lua file names) on one scene. It would be really nice if I could add multiple sources so it would cycle through them after one is complete and showing for say 1-31 seconds it then does the ticker type for the next one.

This is a bit more complicated than I intended to get into, but I'll put it on the list for "maybe".

Also would be cool if we could have the choice of a leading letter(s) when its typing out. (i.e. ..., //, >, etc.)
This is a great idea and I'll consider adding it to the next version.


New Member
Do you know what changes would need to be made to this to get it to work on Linux?

To the best of my knowledge it shouldn't need any change except specifying a Linux-compatible default path in the file's user-configurable options (this requires editing literally one line in the lua file).


New Member
PhoebeZeitler updated Teletype News Ticker with a new update entry:

Version 1.1 Released

Version 1.1 of the Teletype News Ticker is now available.

New Features:
  • The ticker will not advance or change at all when its output source is not visible.
  • A prefix character/string will be appended to the start of each line. These prefix characters will not be written in the teletype fashion. (Default is blank/empty string)
  • A cursor/trailing character/string can be displayed while the line is being teletyped onto the display. This cursor character/string can be specified or...

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New Member
Hello, I have used this LUA, thank you.

Is there a way to get is to write out a paragraph of text please. I can only show one line of text.

Thank you


New Member
Not sure if you'd come back to this but I really liked it and wanted to suggest a randomize effect, to randomly choose a line to read.


New Member

unfortunately I have not found a suitable thread, but the topic is already good. I am looking for a way to get some kind of guidance for scripts. Templates and ideas for it. Do you have something like that? In german if this is possible.


New Member
Is there a tutorial on how to set this up? I downloaded the teletype_news_ticker and installed the script. My scene is 'Video Only' and I made a txt file with an RSS feed URL in it. What am I doing wrong here? I see it doing nothing.


New Member
Is there a way to pause the script, perhaps with a hotkey? I am using this to present RSS feeds, and if a topic comes on screen that I'd like to stay on for a minute or two that I could pause the script from readying any further.


Awesome script. I just made a tutorial on it. I hope the script gets the attention that it deserves.


New Member
Nice script, thanks Phoebe!
Just a minor issue: the dropdown list of text source names (in the properties) does not get populated.
To fix, change function "obs.obs_source_get_id()" to "obs.obs_source_get_unversioned_id()" in function script_properties():
      source_id = obs.obs_source_get_unversioned_id(source)


New Member
PhoebeZeitler updated Teletype News Ticker with a new update entry:

Version 1.2 Released

Version 1.2 of the Teletype News Ticker is now available.

New Features:
  • Lines in the ticker file can be excluded from the ticker display. If the first character of the line is #, the line will be skipped. Please be advised that if there are no valid lines for display in the file the script may hang/spin forever.
  • Text replacement can occur in the file's lines. Currently only one type of replacement, date, is implemented. If the sequence "[date]" appears in a text line, it will...

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