Question / Help Taskbar recording notification?


New Member
Why is there none? Or any other sort of indicator to tell when you are live. I'm having to alt tab frequently to see if it's recording or not.

And are there plans to implement an fps counter in the future?


Forum Admin
You mean a Notification Area icon? You can enable it in General Settings. Why do you have to keep alt-tabbing, though? As soon as you see that it is recording once, you shouldn't have to keep checking.

There currently aren't plans to implement an FPS counter as far as I know.
"As soon as you see that it is recording once, you shouldn't have to keep checking."

I prefer to use hotkeys to start and stop recording, but I can't tell if it's active(I might have hit the wrong key accidentally; fat fingers) without actually bringing up the main window. For me it's not really a "keep checking" thing, but a once each time I start and stop. I do lots of smaller clips, so this is a bit annoying.