Suggestion: Text Scrolling


New Member
One of the features that I liked using in XSplit was the ability to have a text scroller. An example of this would be on this site: example. However, what was useful about this was that the box for text would be smaller than the text, allowing for all the text to be seen in a smaller area. This was super useful for music due to the varying length of artist/songs, with some being super short and some being super long and so trying to find the "ideal" spot for it is kind of impossible.


The only problem with text extents is that if the text being scrolled is smaller pixel-wise than the set dimensions, it only uses the pixel width of the text. So say you have your text area set to 200 pixels in width, but the text from the song only consumes 150 pixels in width (length), it will cut off the text at 150 pixels, thus not allowing your text to scroll through the entire custom dimensions. This'll leave 50 pixels blank in the scrolling area.

This isn't a huge deal, but if you have custom artwork for the area where your text is scrolling, it can look a little funny.

Text extents should do the trick. ;)


Forum Admin
Xerouz said:
The only problem with text extents is that if the text being scrolled is smaller pixel-wise than the set dimensions, it only uses the pixel width of the text. So say you have your text area set to 200 pixels in width, but the text from the song only consumes 150 pixels in width (length), it will cut off the text at 150 pixels, thus not allowing your text to scroll through the entire custom dimensions. This'll leave 50 pixels blank in the scrolling area.

This isn't a huge deal, but if you have custom artwork for the area where your text is scrolling, it can look a little funny.

This was fixed.