Question / Help Stuttering at 60fps (workaround found)


New Member
I tried tweaking mine again and it still won't go any better than a 10-15 second stutter every few minutes. I guess I'll have to stick with that until they fix the bug that's causing the sync issues. I haven't started streaming anything on these settings yet, so hopefully it'll be fixed by the time I do.

That's too bad. I just recorded about 15min of video (~57,000 frames), I did get some stuttering about half way through, but it only lasted about 3 seconds. So, it is still not perfect.


Yeah, some settings can reduce it. A higher framerate almost eliminated it completely in the preview, but I wasn't able to get smooth playback as any player I tried would skip frames all over the place (MPCHC, XBMC, VLC).

Edit: Just popped in an Nvidia 8800GTX (after uninstalling the ATI drivers of course). Even though it is far less powerful, it has the same exact stuttering (I tried in 2d to make sure). I forgot my GTX 470 has artifacts so I'm not going to bother with it. Next thing to try is a fresh install (on a spare drive).

Edit2: Decided to play around with custom resolutions in the Nvidia panel. Created a custom resolution with a refresh rate of 59hz and set OBS to 640x480 59fps. Zero stuttering, absolutely flawless.

Went back to 60hz/60fps, stutters again. Tried 61hz/61fps, 59hz/60fps, 60hz/59fps, 61hz/59fps, 59hz/61fps, and they all stutter. Only 59hz/59fps is smooth.

Whatever this means, I do not know. But I do know that I'll be playing with 59hz a bit more.

Edit3: It worked on my 7950 too! I'm using this program for custom resolutions:
My monitor was being detected at 59.950hz, I changed it to 60hz and tried again, but it didn't seem to make any difference. 59.000hz still works fine though.

I'm not sure how 59fps will play on Youtube, playback when at 60hz stutters quite a bit.

Edit4: Scratch that, 60hz works fine! Use the CRU reset-all to reset everything, then use CRU to change 59.950 to 60fps and reboot. Perfectly smooth now at 60hz/60fps! no noticable stuttering for ~10,000 frames.

New test video incoming. :)

this sadly is no solution to people running Optimus based system or the like on notebooks. To my knowlegde CRU doesn't work on them because the NVIDIA is rendering nad the INTEL gpu outputs it to the display. I hate it.

Gonna try and see if i can get it to work.


So no. It doesn't work with intel or Notebook based cards and systems like Optimus. 59hz/59fps didn't help either. 30fps shows same problems. Gonna stick with Mirillis for now. Everything is fine there but i have to live with hteir lower quality for now...
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New Member
The best advice I could give is to check CRU and fix your refresh rate to be a perfect multiple of 60.000Hz if your PC supports that ability (Any deviation whatsoever will cause stuttering, even if its only 0.001Hz) then enable VSync in game, and if its OpenGL and the game has the option, force the use of GL_ARB_Sync (May be known as "Hard GPU Sync" or a few other names in various programs I've seen it in).


The best advice I could give is to check CRU and fix your refresh rate to be a perfect multiple of 60.000Hz if your PC supports that ability (Any deviation whatsoever will cause stuttering, even if its only 0.001Hz) then enable VSync in game, and if its OpenGL and the game has the option, force the use of GL_ARB_Sync (May be known as "Hard GPU Sync" or a few other names in various programs I've seen it in).

I hope they can fix the issue. This for now is only a dirty workaround. Vsync is the worst as it adds mouse lag.


i wanted to add that i have the same problems with 30fps but its not so apparent at first. Mirillis still smoothest but bigger fps impact. Maybe they're using some other technique that has better compatibility but lower fps. I get the same stuttering in Shadowplay ....


New Member
I just tried the VCE build to see if my crappy A8-4500M APU works with it, and apparently it does, even though its not listed on AMD's supported hardware list. VCE works great, though there is still stuttering.

30fps seems much better than 60 as far as not missing any frames, though it still happens for me after quite a while too.


So i played a little bit with drivers and settings and in the end i used on a optimus based system for INTEL the driver version (really really old), 2 years and for NVIDIA 344.11. This gave me a huge performance boost while recording and made 30fps much better. 60fps still stuttering.

Mirillis is still butter smooth at 60fps but takes a much higher fps hit like 20fps more. Obs on the other hand not much at all and at 30fps its only marginal. I can only hope they can find the culprit that causing it.

I for know will keep those mega old intel driver as they seems to make everything run better.And trust me, I tried it vice versa and it really made a difference. Mostly at 60fps where the stuttering now occurs over the whole video but so subtle that i first thought its smooth. Checked against Mirillis and then saw the micro stuttering.

I wish i hadn't this stupid optimus and could disable the intel gpu but it's the one that outputs the picture..... :)


Shadowplay now records much better at 60fps, too. I hate Optimus... NVIDIA fix your sh1t!
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New Member
Greetings. I'm new here but I'm bumping this thread cause I too suffer from this issue.

I'm not using OBS much for streaming, but rather from local recording (with the ability to stream if needed).
I also use capture cards and I capture signal from other PC, this one is just for recording.

In the past I used Aver HDMI capture card capable of 1080p 30hz or 720p 60hz. Now I upgraded to Black magic intense 4K (which can do 4K at 30 and 1080p 60 with 10-bit depth, and now the problems started.

Actually I had those problems already in the past with the aver, but I solved it by using nvidia card + one old (don't remember it from my head now) version of OBS, like 2YO now. But nothing seems to help now with the black magic one. Both old and current OBS stutter the same. I have been fighting with it the past 4 days and no results. I tried fiddling with literally every settings, including the display refresh rates, there is no sollution.

In the end, the video always turns smooth for a while, it can last for minutes, 1-10, and then suddently stutter fest, and after a while it corrects itself, and then goes bad again, the time intervals during which it stays fine or broken are random.

This describtion of the user above fits the problem now the most:

That's too bad. I just recorded about 15min of video (~57,000 frames), I did get some stuttering about half way through, but it only lasted about 3 seconds. So, it is still not perfect.

Except it does not take 15 minutes to break it takes randomly 0-15.

I tried running it on NV cards, AMD, integrated intel, no real sollution. Sometimes it felt better but in the end it eventually crapped again. I tried even more HW setups, 3 vastly different computers, win 7/8, 32/64 bit (same goes for OBS) nope, nothing.

The problem is not in the encoding at all, as even in preview with encoding disabled and CPU load sub 5% it can be seen in the preview window. So I'm bumping this thread because its really annoying, for now I will have to look for other SW but I like and want to use OBS for this.
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New Member
All right, day later update. I have tried the separate OBS-MP version (currently 0.9.1) which is quite different from standard OBS.

And this one does not suffer from the sync / occasional stutter issue. I use it with the OpenGL render settings and Iv made a very long record (2 hours) with zero issue or stutter at all.


New Member
I just tested 0.9.1 and I still keep getting duplicate frames. Or maybe there was no related change for Linux version, so I could not know the difference.

I just assume that the issue is not in OBS, but somewhere elsewhere along the capture pipeline.