Question / Help Studio mode Preview/program view not working


New Member
When turning on Studio mode the preview/program view is not working properly.
Se pictures to see what I meen.
I can still switch between the scenes without a problem, but cannot see the preview. All the sources works though.

When i don't have Studio mode active everything works great.

Is there a solution for this?

02:36:05.150: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
02:36:05.151: CPU Speed: 2808MHz
02:36:05.151: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
02:36:05.151: Physical Memory: 16252MB Total, 11575MB Free
02:36:05.151: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 18362 (revision: 10005; 64-bit)
02:36:05.151: Running as administrator: false
02:36:05.151: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
02:36:05.151: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
02:36:05.151: Game DVR: On
02:36:05.153: Sec. Software Status:
02:36:05.155: Avast Antivirus: enabled (AV)
02:36:05.155: Windows Defender Antivirus: disabled (AV)
02:36:05.156: Windows-brandväggen: enabled (FW)
02:36:05.158: Current Date/Time: 2019-08-03, 02:36:05
02:36:05.158: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true
02:36:05.158: Portable mode: false
02:36:06.442: OBS 23.2.1 (64-bit, windows)
02:36:06.442: ---------------------------------
02:36:06.468: ---------------------------------
02:36:06.468: audio settings reset:
02:36:06.468: samples per sec: 44100
02:36:06.468: speakers: 2
02:36:06.471: ---------------------------------
02:36:06.471: Initializing D3D11...
02:36:06.471: Available Video Adapters:
02:36:06.481: Adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
02:36:06.481: Dedicated VRAM: 4216324096
02:36:06.481: Shared VRAM: 4225878016
02:36:06.481: output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
02:36:06.481: Adapter 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630
02:36:06.481: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728
02:36:06.481: Shared VRAM: 4225878016
02:36:06.490: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (0)
02:36:06.871: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: 45056
02:36:08.208: ---------------------------------
02:36:08.208: video settings reset:
02:36:08.208: base resolution: 1920x1080
02:36:08.208: output resolution: 1920x1080
02:36:08.208: downscale filter: Bicubic
02:36:08.208: fps: 60/1
02:36:08.208: format: NV12
02:36:08.208: YUV mode: 601/Partial
02:36:08.209: NV12 texture support enabled
02:36:08.212: Audio monitoring device:
02:36:08.212: name: Default
02:36:08.212: id: default
02:36:08.212: ---------------------------------
02:36:08.234: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
02:36:08.239: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'
02:36:08.312: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
02:36:08.312: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
02:36:08.341: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not loaded
02:36:08.354: [obs-browser]: Version 2.4.0
02:36:08.368: NVENC supported
02:36:08.413: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
02:36:08.421: No blackmagic support
02:36:08.443: ---------------------------------
02:36:08.443: Loaded Modules:
02:36:08.443: win-wasapi.dll
02:36:08.443: win-mf.dll
02:36:08.443: win-dshow.dll
02:36:08.443: win-decklink.dll
02:36:08.443: win-capture.dll
02:36:08.443: vlc-video.dll
02:36:08.443: text-freetype2.dll
02:36:08.443: rtmp-services.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-x264.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-vst.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-transitions.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-text.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-qsv11.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-outputs.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-filters.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-ffmpeg.dll
02:36:08.443: obs-browser.dll
02:36:08.443: image-source.dll
02:36:08.443: frontend-tools.dll
02:36:08.443: enc-amf.dll
02:36:08.443: decklink-ouput-ui.dll
02:36:08.443: coreaudio-encoder.dll
02:36:08.443: ---------------------------------
02:36:08.443: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
02:36:08.519: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:36:08.519: ------------------------------------------------
02:36:08.528: All scene data cleared
02:36:08.528: ------------------------------------------------
02:36:08.829: [Media Source 'Media Source']: settings:
02:36:08.829: input: D:/Baseball/Inning halftime/bensound-summer.mp3
02:36:08.829: input_format: (null)
02:36:08.829: speed: 100
02:36:08.829: is_looping: yes
02:36:08.829: is_hw_decoding: yes
02:36:08.829: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
02:36:08.829: restart_on_activate: yes
02:36:08.829: close_when_inactive: no
02:36:09.218: [WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[Mikrofon (Trust GXT 242 Microphone)] Failed to activate client context: 88890004
02:36:09.218: [WASAPISource::WASAPISource] Device '{}.{a1bc9cf0-727b-4027-8498-aa0009c0bf5f}' not found. Waiting for device
02:36:09.376: Video Capture Device: data.GetDevice failed
02:36:09.376: Video Capture Device: Video configuration failed
02:36:13.780: Switched to scene '3 Baseball Field Cam'
02:36:13.786: ------------------------------------------------
02:36:13.786: Loaded scenes:
02:36:13.786: - scene '3 Baseball Field Cam':
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Video Capture Device' (dshow_input)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Trust Microphone' (wasapi_input_capture)
02:36:13.786: - filter: 'Brusreducering' (noise_suppress_filter)
02:36:13.786: - filter: 'Förstärkning' (gain_filter)
02:36:13.786: - filter: 'Noise Gate' (noise_gate_filter)
02:36:13.786: - filter: 'Compressor' (compressor_filter)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Lineup Sundbyberg ' (text_gdiplus)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Lineup Away' (text_gdiplus)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Scoreboard' (browser_source)
02:36:13.786: - filter: 'Beskär/Fyll ut' (crop_filter)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Name at bat' (browser_source)
02:36:13.786: - filter: 'Beskär/Fyll ut' (crop_filter)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Field' (browser_source)
02:36:13.786: - filter: 'Crop/Pad' (crop_filter)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Info bottom' (text_gdiplus)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'black on field' (group)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Image 2' (image_source)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Image 2 2' (image_source)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Image 2 3' (image_source)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Image 2 4' (image_source)
02:36:13.786: - scene '6 inning halftime':
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Inning Half time Slide Show' (slideshow)
02:36:13.786: - scene '1 Intro picture':
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source)
02:36:13.786: - source: 'Intro Image' (image_source)
02:36:13.787: - scene '4 Outro picture':
02:36:13.787: - source: 'End Image' (image_source)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source)
02:36:13.787: - scene '9 Selfie Cam':
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Webcam' (dshow_input)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Sharpen' (sharpness_filter)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Trust Microphone' (wasapi_input_capture)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Brusreducering' (noise_suppress_filter)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Förstärkning' (gain_filter)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Noise Gate' (noise_gate_filter)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Compressor' (compressor_filter)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Lineup Sundbyberg ' (text_gdiplus)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Lineup Away' (text_gdiplus)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Scoreboard' (browser_source)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Beskär/Fyll ut' (crop_filter)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Name at bat' (browser_source)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Beskär/Fyll ut' (crop_filter)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Info bottom' (text_gdiplus)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Field' (browser_source)
02:36:13.787: - filter: 'Crop/Pad' (crop_filter)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'black on field' (group)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Image 2' (image_source)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Image 2 2' (image_source)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Image 2 3' (image_source)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Image 2 4' (image_source)
02:36:13.787: - scene '7 Weather delay':
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Image' (image_source)
02:36:13.787: - source: 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source)
02:36:13.787: ------------------------------------------------
02:36:13.810: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds (source: Media Source)
02:36:17.349: obs-browser: Redirect from '' to '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. (source:
02:36:17.728: obs-browser: Redirect from '' to '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. (source:
02:36:18.229: obs-browser: Redirect from '' to '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. (source:
02:36:18.925: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds (source: Media Source)
02:36:19.338: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 69 milliseconds (source: Media Source)
02:36:56.677: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:36:56.689: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:36:56.689: ------------------------------------------------
02:36:58.598: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:36:58.598: ------------------------------------------------
02:40:28.609: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:40:28.615: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:40:28.615: ------------------------------------------------
02:40:29.768: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:40:29.768: ------------------------------------------------
02:44:51.216: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:44:51.219: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:44:51.219: ------------------------------------------------
02:44:52.532: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:44:52.532: ------------------------------------------------
02:44:55.115: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:44:55.119: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:44:55.119: ------------------------------------------------
02:44:55.707: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:44:55.707: ------------------------------------------------
02:45:02.598: User switched to scene '3 Baseball Field Cam'
02:45:05.149: User switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:45:07.674: User switched to scene '3 Baseball Field Cam'
02:47:19.297: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:47:19.300: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:47:19.301: ------------------------------------------------
02:47:46.521: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:47:46.521: ------------------------------------------------
02:47:49.527: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:47:49.530: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:47:49.530: ------------------------------------------------
02:47:54.823: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:47:54.823: ------------------------------------------------
02:47:57.405: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:47:57.407: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:47:57.407: ------------------------------------------------
02:47:59.065: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:47:59.065: ------------------------------------------------
02:48:00.205: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:48:00.207: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:48:00.207: ------------------------------------------------
02:48:07.818: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:48:07.818: ------------------------------------------------
02:48:16.216: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:48:16.224: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:48:16.224: ------------------------------------------------
02:53:34.090: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:53:34.090: ------------------------------------------------
02:53:38.261: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:53:38.271: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:53:38.271: ------------------------------------------------
02:53:39.320: Switched to Preview/Program mode
02:53:39.320: ------------------------------------------------
02:53:52.149: Switched to scene '6 inning halftime'
02:53:52.154: Switched to regular Preview mode
02:53:52.154: ------------------------------------------------


New Member
I found the solution to my problem.
It was the Nvidia graphics card that was causing trouble.

Had to go to the Nvidia graphics card 3D-setings and set that OBS has to run on the systems graphics card and not on the Nvidia. After that it works as normal.
