Free StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! [Deleted]

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Ok Bazim, your turn

Can you add donation service twitchalerts?
Simple and Quick Version - No
TL:DR version - TwitchAlerts for some unknown reason doesnt have a public API which means theres no way i get to the infomation StreamM8 needs, Why they dont have a public API is weird since every other donation service ive come across does (except Patreon, but there working on one).

And what about last follower, donator writing to a file?
It does do this automaticly yes, but there was a bug which suprising is the same bug as your next issue below.

And donations from donater tracker it seems work only for just a first donate. Another dont refresh in StreamM8.
Yup, Donation Tracker wasnt reading the infomation properly (My bad i copied and pasted most of the donations systems, and only tested them out once) - It was getting all the infomation properly just wasnt reading it correctly which was causing a bottleneck in the notifaction system causing it to not refresh and no write last follower and donator to a file

Either way all 3 Issues are fixed and will be in the next update.

Onto Maquereau.

It tells me "Error switching browser emulation". How do I fix this?

Am assuming that error has something to do with the program changing a registry key, so in the property of StreamM8 (NOT THE BOOTER) set it to run as administrator also are you running 64bit OS or 32?

Asides from that the only thing it seems to affect (on my end atleast) in StreamTips Auth window, ive just dusted off my laptop so i can run some tests on that and see if i have the same issue, since i cant recreate it on my PC


Popper42x updated StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! with a new update entry:

Quick Fixes

Build 0.5.5
Fixed bug in Notifaction getting backlogged due to Donation Tracker.
Hopefully fixed browser emulation.
Tested all StreamTip and Donation Tracker to check donations are in fact working. (Paypal wont let me send dummy payments, and ImRaising was down)

Read the rest of this update entry...

Seems the browser emulation error, was for people who didnt have internet explorer installed (makes sense since thats what the internal browsers run from), as such the required emulation keys didnt exist (EG: cant emulate) so ive muddled about and now the create the emulation keys and it seems to work - Ive tested it on my laptop (Win8 64bit which DOESNT have internet explorer installed) and it created the new keys and everything works fine =) but as usual ill keep an eye on my emails and wait for someone to tell me its wrong, then ill cry a little....
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Nice. Very good job man. Your tool is better and better for streamers. Can you make:

1/ After start automatically show chat?
2/ Auto enable chat points?
3/ Everytime i click on start i need to Log in to twitch and allow streamtip.
4/ Donation alerts cant type a Czech language letters like: ě, š, č, ř, ž, ý, á, í - can you fix that?
5/ Is possible to integrated chat bot like to a twitch account? I mean if i click enable chatbot like some account what i select to chatbot entered my channel. Like i create a twitch account BazimBot then somehow setting it in StreamM8 and this account automatically if chatbot enabled join to my channel and using his things .. timers.. comands.. etc

If you know what i mean just Bazimlol ( my twitch account) [BOT] Typing command. Is worst than: BazimBot: Typing command. Thats is more pro.. Sorry for my english i hope you understand a little bit :-)


Nice. Very good job man. Your tool is better and better for streamers. Can you make:

1/ After start automatically show chat?
2/ Auto enable chat points?
3/ Everytime i click on start i need to Log in to twitch and allow streamtip.
4/ Donation alerts cant type a Czech language letters like: ě, š, č, ř, ž, ý, á, í - can you fix that?
5/ Is possible to integrated chat bot like to a twitch account? I mean if i click enable chatbot like some account what i select to chatbot entered my channel. Like i create a twitch account BazimBot then somehow setting it in StreamM8 and this account automatically if chatbot enabled join to my channel and using his things .. timers.. comands.. etc

If you know what i mean just Bazimlol ( my twitch account) [BOT] Typing command. Is worst than: BazimBot: Typing command. Thats is more pro.. Sorry for my english i hope you understand a little bit :-)

1 and 2, Woops, that was suppose to be in 0.5.0, must have forgot it XD - Done
3 Unfortunate side effect with using StreamTip - Done
4 Not sure how to fix this is, ill llook into it thou - Possibly done?
5 Was supposed to be in 0.5.0 but didnt get round to doing it, its in the next update thou
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Popper42x updated StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! with a new update entry:
With this update, ill be taking a break from adding new features, and working purely on bug fixes - if and when they pop up.


Build 0.5.6
Fixed Hitbox chat status always being red even when connected.
Fixed not saving "Enable Chat points"
Chat now loads up automaticly, no need to enable it.
Possibly fixed localization (if not, i have no idea how to do it - Sorry)
Added Chatbot accounts (Meaning you can link another account to act as your chatbot)
-- EG: without a chatbot account set: Popper42x: [BOT] Pong!!!
-- EG: with a chatbot account set: Poppersbot: Pong!!!
Updated Chatbot help section with info about chatbot...

Read the rest of this update entry...


Man! You are totally awesome you know that? Very good job and you are so helpful person. Again very nice job if you now stop with adding features ( i understand but i will cry :D ) so i try if i know some bugs.

1/ Chatbot - commands - Name of command cant be editted. Change name, then click save and name isnt editted.
2/ Czech letters ěščřžýáí in alert still dont work. Im not programmer so i dont know how i can help you maybe UTF-8 coding will can make this letters i think.
3/ Chat points i guess need your atention. My account and my bot account got a 4491 points but i dont know why. Just this function need your work on this.

And after you will start adding new features here some tips.

1/ More settings with chat points. Like how points and how offet for viewing stream will bot give. Like possible to change 1 point every 1 minute or 1 point every 5 minutes etc..
2/ Make a command when people can get a info about your points. Like !balance = You have 500 points.

Thats all for now. Dont stop make on this tool. I can finally now stop ussing 2 another tools because your tool can beat them.


Man! You are totally awesome you know that? Very good job and you are so helpful person. Again very nice job if you now stop with adding features ( i understand but i will cry :D ) so i try if i know some bugs.

1/ Chatbot - commands - Name of command cant be editted. Change name, then click save and name isnt editted.
2/ Czech letters ěščřžýáí in alert still dont work. Im not programmer so i dont know how i can help you maybe UTF-8 coding will can make this letters i think.
3/ Chat points i guess need your atention. My account and my bot account got a 4491 points but i dont know why. Just this function need your work on this.

And after you will start adding new features here some tips.

1/ More settings with chat points. Like how points and how offet for viewing stream will bot give. Like possible to change 1 point every 1 minute or 1 point every 5 minutes etc..
2/ Make a command when people can get a info about your points. Like !balance = You have 500 points.

Thats all for now. Dont stop make on this tool. I can finally now stop ussing 2 another tools because your tool can beat them.

1 - Cheers, look into it
2 - Ill have another look
3 - !cpcheck show you how many points you have and am currently streaming now and in same boat as you, me and the bot have 2k+ points XD, ill fix it after stream XD


Ok nice and if be possible after exit your tool and opened it again can he remember position of window?

And can somehow i change command !cpcheck and translate it to my language? Are commands editable?

EDIT // Chat points very need your atention. Points are giving so random to a random peoples. My friend just joined and he have 1605 points ???

And please please please please make a new feature :-D Greeting specific People. Like

test joined to a channel:
(AUTO MESSAGE) Oh test is here! Hello!
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All configured, and everything is amazing so far!

My only suggestions are with regard to notifications:
  • is it possible to find a way to keep on notification from cancelling another out/cutting it off?
  • What about have a field to customize the length of the animation?
These are nitpicks in an otherwise VERY robust service! I thank you SO much.


Popper42x updated StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! with a new update entry:


Read the rest of this update entry...

In the event ive made a horrible mistake - This happens often, and need to downgrade just go into the version history () and download the previous version, un-rar it but DO NOT DELETE the "LastestVersion.txt" as this will make the updater download the latest version again.


Ok so after the panic, here is 0.5.7 am not sure how this build will act so am keeping 0.5.6 in the version history again.... but seems to run fine, it downloaded and booted just fine so fingers crossed and yes i have to download the latest version too... even though i have the latest version.... because i made the latest version... silly updater.....

Build 0.5.7
Fixed Chat points (Hopefully, ill find out next i stream, or someone tell me)
Added Some customization to it
-- Change Check command
-- How many points added every X minutes
-- Points Name (you can call them cookies now if ya like)
Fixed Notification to UTF-8 so it now reads non-english characters (Sorry Bazim, and cheers for the UTF-8 suggestion)
-- How ever due for some reason Donation Tracker stores theres weirdly so you might run into some problems
Added Notifaction timer to Config (How long will the notifaction run for)
Changed the way Notifaction work, Now wont overwrite each other (I knew there was a reason i loaded them into a buffer.... Woops)
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I just try to srat it up. No live test now.

EDIT // Everytime when i open StreamM8 it says: ,,settings loaded from a older version and missing info, please sve settings again.

And everytime i need login to streamtip and allow access.
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Ok i guess chat point system is bugged. No refreshing after 10 mins. Better will be real refresh but this is enough but it seems doesnt work streaming for hour and 0 points still.


IEverytime when i open StreamM8 it says: ,,settings loaded from a older version and missing info, please sve settings again.

It will do, just press save settings and it should fix it, also may need to do it on any chat commands you have.

And everytime i need login to streamtip and allow access.
Unfortunate effect of using streamtip, i cant do anything about that its how streamtips API works

Ok i guess chat point system is bugged. No refreshing after 10 mins. Better will be real refresh but this is enough but it seems doesnt work streaming for hour and 0 points still.
Cheers for the heads up ill get it fixed
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