Measuring CPU usage is the wrong way to benchmark this. Run your game and then run OBS at various presets with the same resolution, downscale, FPS, etc. And then look at the log file and measure the duplicated frames. If duplicate frames are less than 1%, it passed, if they're more than that, it failed. Make sure to give it at least five minutes of encoding time to make it statistically valid. And try to run a timedemo or something that is a consistent CPU effort on the game-side.
i did that because my rig is not even close to being able to stream 1080p60fps on anything cpu intensive and this shows approximately how much cpu usage streaming itself does. And i have my doubts about 5820k... its more or less 50% more than a 4770k/4790k + a quad channel memory controller... and those two aren't close to being able to handle that either.
i have spent days... almost weeks in fact testing different obs settings on different games - that data is enough for me to understand approximately what to expect - plus the differences in cpu usage between "veryfast"and "fast" cpu presets... not to even mention slower ones.... that is why i think even if it will be able to do it it will be struggling ALOT. and that's not what you want when running such high overclocks.
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