Question / Help Streaming Dreams... Just Out of my Reach! :(


Not so far as dropped frames are concerned, no. Since it still would be on the same Internet connection. However, optimizing your stream quality would be a little easier since we could really push your PC to its absolute limits. But, well... that would still leave the dropped frames.

And I can't imagine it being particularly comfortable on your players either; I mean, the fact OBS starts to drop frames does suggest the server may be confronted with some connectivity issues as well; lag, packet loss, things like that.


New Member
Anyone who is still interested. :)

I'm now able to stream and be happy with the quality! I nabbed a free PC perfect for server hosting from a family friend. Hardly been used. Gonna set it up soon and run it at another friend's house for their internet connection. Hoping all goes well.

Thanks to anyone who helped me in this venture, especially Kharay! I appreciate everything you've all done.

Streaming typically daily for right now. :D


Also, one last thing, any way to customize the length of the fade transition so I can fade out my stream?
