Question / Help Streaming audio from external USB interface to Zoom


New Member
Hi all,

I use Zoom to teach online piano lessons, and I'd like to use OBS to do multicam and mix audio. I have a focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Interface with a mic and my keyboard plugged in to the 2 inputs.

I can get the video sources working via the plugin in Zoom, but am having trouble with audio. I downloaded VB Cable but I'm getting totally confused with the signalflow. Any help is appreciated! I'm on Windows 10


Active Member
Is there a reason you need to use VBAudio? The Scarlett should show up as a standard WASAPI audio input device, which you can add as a microphone in OBS directly (or add as an Audio Input Capture source to your scenes), unless it's running in ASIO mode.


New Member
I can get the Scarlett to show up in OBS, but can't get it to then send and receive from Zoom


New Member
You actually don't need OBS or VB Cable at all for audio. Once you plug you interface into your PC, it appears as an audio input on your computer and you can select it from Zoom. Maybe some audio interfaces this is not true, but I would think it's true for most of them.

Side note - I personally need to run my audio through an amplifier emulator before going to Zoom so I get better sound on my guitar. This DOES require something like ODS. I am stuck at the same point you are where I cannot get my audio to go out to VB AUDIO. But you may not need that.