I'm currently on the latest version of OBS (29.1.1). The SRbeep (Legacy) version released prior to the latest one, which worked perfectly until recently refuses to after I updated to OBS 29.1. The latest SRbeep released on Nov-9 2022 also has no effect.
One thing I noticed is the latest release does not contain the bin folder where the SDL2.dll goes, instead it was found here C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit. So, tried putting it back to "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit" as was the case with the Legacy release but still no signs of life. I've also tried a complete reinstall of OBS. Am I on the right path or missing a trick here?
Also, the documentation says "Rename silence.mp3". Is this a must because the legacy one worked off the bat without the need for any modification. It fails to work either way.