Starting a YouTube stream from an offsite computer

Hello everyone,

For some quick context, a local concert band I am a part of wants to stream their upcoming performance. The setup is rather bare-bones, consisting of a Mac w/ OBS and audio and video inputs through an Atem Mini Pro Blackmagic Design switcher. I have linked the band's YouTube channel to OBS as well.

My question is, is it possible to start the livestream from a different computer than the one used for the streaming? Could I log into the YouTube account from a different computer and start the stream that way?

Thank you kindly,


New Member

Don't know if you've already found the answer to this, but OBS is absolutely controllable from a second computer through WebSocket.
Depending on which version of OBS Studio you're using, WebSockets is either included in the install (above v28.0 I believe) or downloadable as a binary to be included in your OBS install.

Have a look here:

From the GitHub desciption of WebSocket API:

Possible use cases​

  • Remote control OBS from a phone or tablet on the same local network
  • Change your stream overlay/graphics based on the current scene
  • Automate scene switching with a third-party program (e.g. : auto-pilot, foot pedal, ...)
