Start recording from 10 seconds ago (similar to Replay Buffer)


New Member
Whenever something interesting starts happening, there is a dilemma:
-the interesting thing is still going on so I should wait for the buffer to fill
-but if it's too long, the head of the buffer may be cut off, so I should just save the buffer multiple times and stitch it in post processing
-or just save the buffer, wait a few seconds, stop the buffer and start recording directly which will miss a few seconds of recording

It would be great if OBS could make a feature to seamlessly start recording not when the record button was pressed, but rather X seconds before the record button was pressed (perhaps by leveraging the replay buffer code).


New Member
This was actually a feature in OBS Classic. It had a hotkey for recording from the replay buffer that did exactly what you're asking for. I still have OBS v0.659b (which was released in 2016) installed on my system in conjunction with the latest version of Studio, because that specific feature is very useful to me in portions of my workflow. Posted a couple requests for it to be re-added over the years, both here and on the Ideas page. Would love to finally see it happen.


New Member
This would be incredibly useful. My idea of a specification: 1) Add the ability to record to a replay buffer instead of a file, 2) Add the ability to specify the length of the replay buffer in seconds to settings, 3) Add a "start recording from replay buffer" feature that can be triggered by hotkey which opens a dialog that says "Start/Resume recording from replay buffer to file starting from <x> seconds ago" where the user can enter x, 4) Add a "stop recording from replay buffer" feature that can be triggered by hotkey which opens a dialog that says "Stop recording from replay buffer to file starting from <x> seconds ago", 5) Add a "pause recording from replay buffer" feature that can be triggered by hotkey which opens a dialog that says "Pause recording from replay buffer to file starting from <x> seconds ago". The default value of x should be 10 seconds for start and 3 seconds for stop and pause. Bonus - the dialog boxes display the last 30 seconds of the audio signal with time labels.