Speechchat.com.down? No speech.

Hello I wanted to see whether it was just me or whether other people are having this problem.

I'm using speech chat.com to read what people are typing on Twitch so I can keep my eyes on the road and not on the map.

As of the Mac OS 12.3 update speech chat does textually print out the speech accurately of what people are typing but the voice, apparently speech chat needs a lozenge because it can't speak at all.

I tested I could get audio from both the game source through TV speakers as well as the system sound effects through Bluetooth speaker. If I'm correct speech synthesis goes through the system speaker.

When I look at the options for speechat.com under the list of preferred voices it seems like everyone of the virtual voices went on strike because the list is completely empty. .)

Just seeing if it's something unique to me or whether other people are having similar issues.
Well apparently it does work in Chrome but not in Safari. The funny thing is that OBS will no longer take a live window from chrome. There seems to be no options for OBS being able to stream a live Chrome website. I did it for Safari by undoing security features. But it doesn't look like Chrome has the same axis.
Well apparently it does work in Chrome but not in Safari. The funny thing is that OBS will no longer take a live window from chrome. There seems to be no options for OBS being able to stream a live Chrome website. I did it for Safari by undoing security features. But it doesn't look like Chrome has the same axis.
The reason why speech check doesn't work with Safari is because with the new update speech chat seems to refuse to load in safari. But it works perfectly fine Chrome.

The problem is that OBS only works with a live web window in safari. OBS does not recognize a chrome window that speech chat can run through.

This weird combination of problems is preventing me from going on the air.

As I said I like to keep my eyes on the road so I don't have to look at the map. The speech synthesis is kind of important to me so I could react in real time instead of reacting in retrospect.
I'm in really in a dilemma. If I use Safari the text rolls correctly on speechchat.com. But the synthesized audio voice doesn't come through. If I use Chrome on speechchat.com I can get the voice to speak correctly but the chat doesn't print out on stream visulally. I will either be blind to speech or death to speech.

Or just thinking creatively right now, maybe I can have two windows one Safari window for my eyes and one Chrome window for my ears and overlay the Safari over the Chrome.

Nothing says two different apps could act as my ears and eyes to the outside world.

But I would like this error fixed eventually if I could get it working.

The problem is that in Safari speechchat.com does not see the Apple Mac OS operating system voices in its voice list. it's a completely blank voice list.

Just wondering if you guys will go fixing to that or if you can't, or you think it's speechchat's problem,tell speechchat.com to fix it. I tried writing to a few times but got no response.