Separate Audio Tracks for Local Recordings


Would it be possible to have OBS separate the audio tracks for local recordings? Like record one video with the game audio and the microphone audio in two separate tracks? Reason being is I can't seem to lower the game volume enough and boost my mic enough for it to sound decent. If this isn't possible maybe have the game with the game audio in one video and an MP3 of the microphone audio?


The Helping Squad
The only program that currently allows this to my knowledge is Dxtory. It can save seperate audio tracks into one video file. The reason OBS doesnt support it, is its main purpose, the streaming. A stream would be missing the second track and only playback the first. To my knowledge flash cant handle more than one audio stream.

I personally dream of this ability as well, to allow one stream with 2 languages, or your mentioned seperate volumes, or even the ability for the viewer to disable commentary etc. It is a good suggestion but I dont see it coming in the near future.


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Well this is something that might be possible in the future but I don't really know how to feel about it directly in OBS. You can easily split it fast with the "copy" method using ffmpeg for the time being though


New Member
But, the problem is that all you have to work with is the final broadcast which is a mixed file of everything. As it stands, I use OBS in two modes. One for local recording of gameplay with audio, but no mic or other desktop audio input (like music, hard to rack up the kills without a proper soundtrack) and one that has all audio sources active + gameplay with audio for live streaming. Obviously, the common element in both is gameplay with its associated audio, which with the local profile recording makes for easy editing and what not for highlight videos, demonstration gameplay segments, instructional videos, etc. However, if I want to use segments from a live stream, I would have to scrub the audio entirely to remove the music and commentary/comms chatter. This probably goes more along with the ASIO thread with the ability to pick and choose audio sources and/or maybe the ability to disclude source elements from a broadcast when writing to local file.


New Member
Well this Last logis something that might be possible in the future but I don't really know how to feel about it directly in OBS. You can easily split it fast with the "copy" method using ffmpeg for the time being though
Jim, could you explain how to do this? This might be able to help me with my stupid sync issues. It's a workaround for local recordings but for streaming, it's still not fixed. But if I could have anything to be perfectly in sync on local, I would kill for that. Last log:


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Forum Moderator
in a command prompt with FFmpeg available:

ffmpeg -i [my video file].mp4 [my sound file].wav


The Helping Squad
I guess Aladya originally meant to record audio as track1 and track2 for example, track1 being the microphone, track2 being the desktop sound, or something like that.
I'd be happy with just mic audio in a separate wav file for the local recording (including while streaming, audio could still pipe through the mic out to the stream, just the local backup recording would have the mic audio separate).

I've been making due with setting up a shortcut in Audacity to start recording that's the same as the shortcut I use in OBS to start recording. So while Audacity is in focus I hit the shortcut and it starts recording and since OBS does global shortcuts it starts recording about a half-second later. It works out ok because I need about 15-20 seconds of dead air for the noise removal, so that covers starting up the game and getting the last save loaded. Then when I bring them both into editing I just offset the mic to start a half second before the video and it lines up just about perfect.

But where this breaks down is when I want to stop recording, say while at a vendor or deciding which perks to go with, or messing with game settings, etc. I either have to keep recording and cut that out in post or deal with syncing up audio that would take much longer than just a half-second offset. Potentially hours of time depending on how many recording stops/starts because Audacity doesn't have global shortcuts, so stopping the OBS recording doesn't stop Audacity. So, obviously I'm keeping the recording going and just cutting in post. Definitely looking forward to when OBS can split the mic audio itself, though. It'd be nice to have that audio perfectly in sync without any offset, and the ability to start and stop recording whenever, just run the mic audio through noise removal and a bit of compression, equalization and normalization in Audacity to clean it up prior to video editing.


New Member
how is the status on this? This would be an awesome feature to have in OBS as OBS becomes more and more a serious alternative to Dxtory, Fraps and all those screen recording programs out there for local recordings.


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I am implementing a feature to allow the separation and customization of audio to different tracks in the new version. You'll be able to select what audio mixes to what channels and such. However enabling output to file won't be in the UI for quite some time.
Hey Jim, are you thinking something like an ini file/manual configuration? And still planning this only for OBS Studio going forward, or adding it into the original build branch as well? I'd love to start testing OBS Studio soon as there's a build ready for Windows.


Community Helper
You should assume that any new feature Jim talks about implementing will only be for OBS Multiplatform. The original OBS does not have any active ongoing development right now, other than what other people submit for pull requests.


New Member
Is Multiplatform only available for Mac? I'm surprised it's not on Windows, it's like the most popular OS besides Mac. Plus I don't own a mac, is it possible to get the Source to work on Windows?

Also: Any updates on this? I would love to use OBS for the "Facecam" feature but I need the separate audio sources for my gameplay recording to YouTube (editing purposes), but I'm forced to use DxTory since it does have these features, but it does not have a "Facecam."


Forum Moderator
@Kcmartz Multiplatform is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux - though the Windows build isn't really an official release yet, it was only put out to demonstrate HDPVR/Roxio support. Windows users have OBS1 to work with so there's not as much urgency getting a build out for that platform right now. As usual, no ETA on features.


New Member
Cause in order for me to use OBS instead of DxTory, I need the separate audio sources. I have tried using the "DxTory Video Sources" but they don't seem to work when they're both loaded (OBS and Dxtory - DxTory is licensed).


Community Helper
Then you should continue to use Dxtory until that feature is implemented in OBS. It will probably be a while, however.

The Going Dutch

New Member
@Sapiens: If I undertsand it correctly the windows multiplatform version supports (kind of beta) the Roxio? other than doing the window capture workarround? thanks in advance.. greetz, Jan