Separate Audio Anytime Soon?


New Member
Just wanted to know if you guys had any ideas on adding in a separate audio option for each scene...for example that this could be useful for streamers. Lets say if you are streaming with all game sound & mic on and you want to go afk or start a intermission so you go to your intermission scene and that scene has separate audio with game sound & mic turned off and just had music. Then when we get back, we would be able go back to our main stream and the setting on it had all audio for game and mic on.

I hope this is not confusing. But I was just thinking this would help a lot, because streaming would be even more easier with sperate audio that change on each of our scenes.
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New Member
Thanks, I figured it out but with a little more research...tbh you kinda lost me when U just pick that..but I found out, I just disable all audio from my setting -> audio then manually add them into each scene in their sources with "Input & Output Capture" which is kinda what you were aiming for so thanks for the help! ^.^