
New Member
Hi everyone. I'm new to OBS and I'm trying to solve this problem. I have two panoramic IPCAMs online on youtube and I would like them to rotate automatically on the same stream. Please how can I do it?


Active Member
You mean switch back and forth automatically? My first thought is the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin:

And how to do exactly that with it:
The example there, takes over control so that not much else is possible. You could switch away manually, but the timer keeps running and sending its commands too.
A more friendly way to do it would be to say that if it's been on scene A for X time, switch to scene B, and so on. Then if you switch away manually, it doesn't satisfy the X time, and so it doesn't trigger. If you manually switch into one of them and leave it, then it does. (you can also have duplicate scenes, only one of which has this trigger set up, so you can show the same camera independently of (re)starting the loop)

For more help with the plugin, use its Discussion page. It's *very* active, including the developer.


New Member
Hi, thanks for replying, but I see this plugin works on windows. Is there something similar for Ubuntu as well?