[Request] Ability to have multiple "sizes" of Game Capture


New Member
I have a kind of weird request relating to Game Capture. I realize that it is still in development and that there are a lot of more important things being prioritized for OBS right now, but I figured that I would toss it out there.

I use custom overlays with many of my games for when I go AFK, among other things. I stream at 1080p and one of my Overlay Scenes displays a 720p view of the game that I am playing over a .PNG image.

Here is an example of what I am talking about:


This example is using Dxtory. The Overlay Scene has a Global Source with a 720p capture from "Output 1" of Dxtory. When I switch back to my normal Game Scene in OBS, it is using a Global Source with a 1080p capture from "Output 2" of Dxtory. I'm able to transition back and forth between these alternate capture sizes with ease.

When I attempt to setup Game Capture within OBS the same way, it crashes. I think this is because it can't understand being in one scene at 1080p and in another at 720p when the capture is taking place at 1080p.

Sorry if this all sounds confusing. I realize that what I am asking for is kind of a superficial feature/function, but it is a fun one to have which I would love to see with Game Capture in the future once more important developments are out of the way for OBS.

Thanks for your work on OBS!


Forum Admin
Re: [Request] Ability to have multiple "sizes" of Game Captu

Game capture will be able to be resized in the future