Recording Stopper

I would be very interested in this feature in order, for instance, to record my favorites tv shows or sport events. Is this dev still in your plans adocilesloth ?
Potentially still in my plans. I've still not got much time and haven't yet ported the other plugins to OBS Studio yet. Once that's done, if I have the time and inclination I may take a look.

Bastien S

New Member
Hi all,

Sorry for my english, i'm french.

This plugin is really great, but when you are currently streaming and you want to record with this plugins enable, there is a conflict..

Indeed, the first video is pushed nice, but the next recording don't start..

Someone know somethink about that ?

Thanks in advance,

Hi all,

Sorry for my english, i'm french.

This plugin is really great, but when you are currently streaming and you want to record with this plugins enable, there is a conflict..

Indeed, the first video is pushed nice, but the next recording don't start..

Someone know somethink about that ?

Thanks in advance,

Don't worry about your English; it's far, far better than my French.

I know about this problem and still haven't got around to fixing it. It's something to do with the way OBS makes .mp3 files once the recording has stopped that I may not have noticed when I first made this. With the time constraints I currently have, the fact that I the other two plugins I've made I use and they need some maintenance, me wanting to port the other plugins to OBS MP and the depreciation of OBS1, I doubt that the issue will be looked at in the near future.

If I get time, I'll "fix" the plugin so that it's a single use timed recorder and update the OP as necessary before I go about fixing Win 10 combatability issues with the TS3 plugin and Logitech LCD plugin. Hopefully this weekend but no promises.
adocilesloth updated Recording Splitter with a new update entry:

Changed to Recording Stopper and end of support

Changed the code such that it will no longer attempt to restart recording turning the plugin into a stopper rather than a splitter.

I don't use this plugin and it's been broken for a while. I don't really have the time or inclination to go and fix it so I've decided to stop pretending I will and have dropped support. If anyone want to pick it up feel free, the original code is still up in Github. Anyone can do what they want with the code for this plugin.

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Is there any chance someone could put up the old version of this that does splitting? The stopper doesn't really serve the purpose of splitting up long streams for archival at all unfortunately. It does work though, so just making it start again would be perfect.


New Member
I needed this because I wiped my computer, I'm sad to see its lost support and some functionality but I was able to find a friend who had the 32 bit version left on his computer. This goes in your 32 bit version of OBS. Normally found at C:\\...Program Files (x86)\OBS\Plugins Just drop it in there and it should work if you're running 32 bit OBS. Don't forget to uncompress it into its ".dll" format.


    15.2 KB · Views: 627


New Member
Is there a newer version of this recording splitter anywhere? can't seem to find it....

the witcher 3 seems to crach my computer sometimes and losing the footage is a pain...
I needed this because I wiped my computer, I'm sad to see its lost support and some functionality but I was able to find a friend who had the 32 bit version left on his computer. This goes in your 32 bit version of OBS. Normally found at C:\\...Program Files (x86)\OBS\Plugins Just drop it in there and it should work if you're running 32 bit OBS. Don't forget to uncompress it into its ".dll" format.

i have placed a ".dll" file in C:\Program Files (x86)\OBS\plugins but how it will work? no option found. please guide
The config window is found in the plugin list:
Plugins -> Recording Splitter -> Configure

As for only stopping, that's a bit odd... Double check that the correct version of the plugin (32/64) is in the correct folder (Program Files (x86)/OBS/plugins or Program Files/OBS/Plugins) although nothing should happen if it's the wrong version.

I have OBS 0.659b version, i need record splitter so that it can auto stop and restart video after mentioned duration. Can you please share plugin. Thank You in advance