Recent crashing when trying to stream.


New Member
Recently I have been getting an "encoder error" when streaming, I have tried adjusting resolution, bit rate and such with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



  • 2021-05-05 19-14-46.txt
    51.7 KB · Views: 53


Active Member
First - uninstall streamelements - just puking all over your logs and I constantly see system with problems having that installed.

To get something stable, start by dropping to 30fps
19:15:45.355: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 1428 (65.0%)
And is there a reason you aren't using NVENC with that GPU?

also check you Windows Game settings and implications for streaming/real-time video encoding (lots of Game items listed as On, and usually see recommendations to turn off)
And basic Windows OS hygiene