Ran out of disk space during recording, video demuxed but only showing last few frames


New Member
--- This problem is only for Jedi Masters --
May the force be with you OBS Kenobi!

I have recorded a video with OBS but my disk space ran out and it didn't stop or warn me. - @devs could you possibly warn people when they start recording and have less then a couple gigs of space left? And gracefully exit when the memory actually runs out, with an alert? So the files don't become corrupted. I can add a git issue if you want - .
I've managed to remux the obs recording, but it only captures the very last bit of the video. It's 18 minutes and you can see this in vlc, but it only plays for a couple secs just me pressing the stop record button.

I would like to recover the video but there is an extra hurdle as well. So at first when I tried to remux it with obs I had the error :
media_remux: Error opening output file: Invalid data found when processing input obs
updated to latest version of obs and this fixed it. This may add some extra difficulty to the problem I don't know different versions of OBS to write and demux.

Anyway I really want to do repair this file I have all the .ts files but something seems weird with the time/date. I have a hard time describing it but I have added a txt file that has the output of:

Is there a way to "manually" demux the files? I can code a bit of c and like to learn new stuff. Or can I just remove or edit some of the anomalous files I don't care if the video glitches or if it only has parts of the video. I'd like to recover as much fragments as possible, because the video has a value to me. I hope you can learn something and improve the software and I can recover my nuggets.



  • out.txt
    38.5 KB · Views: 21


Active Member
You were saving to m3u8/ts, each segment of the file is only a few seconds. You need to load them into a video editor to combine them.
Save to mkv.