Question / Help Pulsing sound in live stream

Old Soldier

New Member
I am a dance instructor trying to live stream my class, since all dance class venues are closed for the COVID-19 pandemic.

New OBS user. Trying to broadcast via OBS through YouTube Live. The video works fine, but every attempt to capture my voice and a music source at the same time results in pulsing, choppy audio entering the YouTube stream.

Using my iPhone 11 Pro, OBS for iPhone, and the IOS Camera plug-in for the video, and the video looks great!

So how do I properly balance/stream both music and voice at the same time? Picture the scene. I am teaching a line dance verbally, while the music plays loud enough for me to hear it AND for both the music and voice to be heard by viewers. (Kind of like hearing the steps of a square dance heard along with the music.)

Thanks in advance, all you experts!


New Member
Hi Old Soldier

I'm in the same situation than you, as fitness instructor.
Did you find a way to share both mic and music ?
I tried several things, but unfortunately unsuccessfully until now.

I'll keep you informed if I find some successfull configuration.

Thanks for your help,
Best regards