Profiles dont save the recording Layout?


New Member
Hello and good day,

im sorry if this has already been discussed or explained somewhere, you can just link me there if that is less effort and i´d be really grateful, like i said im not sure if there already are threads for this i didnt really check the forum really well im sorry, i googled the problem for a few minutes and couldnt find anything so i thought i´d ask people directly-
im a small time youtuber and struggle with multiple weekly uploads, i see everyone streaming and it seems to work very well for them with no effort compared to me having to prerecord and then edit footage. Now i already have all the equipment, and could do this as well so i would like to get a few streams in every weeks. Considering i play counterstrike with some friends multiple times a week i was thinking of starting to get my stream together that way, learning a little bit about it, and improving it until the quality matches what i expect from my youtube content.

To get to the issue:

I play Counterstrike in 4:3 resolution, i figured out how to get it to stretch in the stream so i get it without the blackbars- but it stretches your facecam as well, so i have to half assedly fix that by shift dragging my facecam smaller until it looks normal, and centered the gamecapture. All good i guess.
But now if i want to switch back to the second streaming profile where i play other games in 16:9, the complete layout of facecam and gamecapture is the same way it was in the stream profile. The general settings are saved, but the layout is still as it was before, with the facecam smushed and the gamcapture in the wrong place for 16:9.
Is this a general problem, am i doing something wrong, if yes is there a way to save the layout for the separate profiles?
I assumed stuff like this is what the profiles were for, because as it is now, i record 3840x1080 to record facecam and gamefootage seperately for youtube- and then when i short notice jump into a gamingsession with friends i could be streaming, i would have to set up my stream for 10 minutes and cant do that so i end up never taking the first step to getting into streaming.


I play Counterstrike in 4:3 resolution and want to stream, not only that really but do other 16:9 normal stuff as well, and i record 3840x1080 for youtube to get facecam and gamefootage seperately- so to get the facecam unstretched i have to shift drag the facecam slimmer to make it look normal.
But when i switch back to the 32:9 or 16:9 profile, the whole layout got dragged to hell as well, the facecam is small and smushed and the game/displaycapture is in the wrong place. The only thing getting saved are general settings.

Is there a way to save the "videolayout" specifically to one profile, or seperately in general? I just dont have time to set up the stream for 10-20 minutes every time, ontop of already having to put up the lights for the facecam and greenscreen, checking the chroma key settings and colorcorrecting

Any help would be really apprechiated and help me a ton, link to a related thread, or a short explanation, anything really!


New Member
Alright, i just figured it out by myself i was beeing stupid- i didnt use my scenes properly i wasnt aware what they could do- this thread can be deleted. My bad


Active Member
Base resolution and output aspect ratio is saved in the profile. Scenes and sources and their layout are saved in scene collections. To have one setup for 4:3, one for 16:9 and one for 32:9, create one profile for each and one scene collection for each where you can fine tune the layout. To switch, always switch both: profile and scene collection.


New Member
Thank you, i did figure it out by myself by now, but i really apprechiate the time you took to try and help me. Thanks!