Problem with obs-ndi... only post obs preview


New Member
Hello, I'm using obs-ndi plug-in.
I can't use obs Main Output.
Only I can see is the Preview.

When I see the log, there is an error things.

20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] main_output_stop: stopping NDI main output
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] +ndi_output_destroy('485'...)
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] -ndi_output_destroy('485'...)
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] main_output_stop: stopped NDI main output
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] main_output_start: starting NDI main output with name 'Test things'
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] +ndi_output_create('Test things'...)
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] ndi_output_update('Test things'...)
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] -ndi_output_create('Test things'...)
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] +ndi_output_start('Test things'...)
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] warning: unsupported pixel format 18
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] -ndi_output_start('Test things'...)
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] main_output_start: obs_output_start result=0
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] main_output_start: started NDI main output
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] preview_output_stop: stopping NDI preview output
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] +ndi_output_stop('OBS Preview'...)
20:27:57.721: Output 'NDI Preview Output': stopping
20:27:57.721: Output 'NDI Preview Output': Total frames output: 998
20:27:57.721: Output 'NDI Preview Output': Total drawn frames: 997 (1153 attempted)
20:27:57.721: Output 'NDI Preview Output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 156 (13.5%)
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] +ndiLib->send_destroy(o->ndi_sender)
20:27:57.732: [obs-ndi] -ndiLib->send_destroy(o->ndi_sender)
20:27:57.732: [obs-ndi] -ndi_output_stop('OBS Preview'...)
20:27:57.740: [obs-ndi] preview_output_stop: stopped NDI preview output
20:27:57.740: [obs-ndi] preview_output_start: starting NDI preview output with name 'OBS Preview'
20:27:57.742: [obs-ndi] ndi_output_update('OBS Preview'...)
20:27:57.742: [obs-ndi] +ndi_output_start('OBS Preview'...)
20:27:57.754: [obs-ndi] 'OBS Preview': ndi output started
20:27:57.754: [obs-ndi] -ndi_output_start('OBS Preview'...)
20:27:57.754: [obs-ndi] preview_output_start: started NDI preview output

My OBS Setting is for 2K HDR Settings...
Can't I use ndi plugin using HDR?


My current video setting is for HDR btw.

I'm streaming HDR in Youtube, and for SDR in Twitch.

My second computer is for SDR streaming and using NDI.

Can you help me?

I think the main thing is this thing.
20:27:57.721: [obs-ndi] warning: unsupported pixel format 18
To send signal with HDR the NDI plugin gives problems, like this one.

And if it manages to send something, it will be missing the tone mapping. You can try Teleport or Beam. These plugins usually work with HDR signals, but the tone mapping is missing.

There is another to use NDI Tools 6.

You can do it in two ways, always using the Screen capture TX tool of NDI Tools 6 on the PC that broadcasts in HDR.

You have to select HEVC 10-bit in Screen capture TX for the tone mapping to be correct.

One would be to send the screen in HDR and on the receiving PC use the Studio Monitor of NDI Tools 6 and capture that screen in OBS.

Another way would be to use two monitors on your gaming PC. You disable HDR in Windows on the second monitor, where you put a full screen OBS projector.

In Screen capture TX you can send in HEVC or 264 (NVENC) because you will send in SDR. This signal is picked up by the OBS-NDI plug-in perfectly because it is in SDR.

Personally, I don't know how to send sound in these cases and I use Teleport to send sound (from the OBS desktop source with a filter) together with NDI to the other PC.