Question / Help Problem installating on Linux


New Member
I have folow all the steps to instal in Linux, but when i enter the code:: apt-get install ffmpeg obs-studio OR apt install obs-studio and diferent variants (being root in the all cases), the terminal always show me this message:

No se pudieron instalar algunos paquetes. Esto puede significar que
usted pidió una situación imposible o, si está usando la distribución
inestable, que algunos paquetes necesarios aún no se han creado o se
han sacado de «Incoming».
La siguiente información puede ayudar a resolver la situación:

Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
obs-studio : Depende: libqt5xml5 (>= 5.0.2) pero no es instalable
E: No se pudieron corregir los problemas, usted ha retenido paquetes rotos.

Which means something like:

Do not can install some pack. This may mean that
you asked for an impossible situation or, if you are using the unstable distribution,
that some required packages have not yet been created or
have been removed from «Incoming».
The following information may help resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
obs-studio: Depends: libqt5xml5 (> = 5.0.2) but is not installable
E: The problems could not be corrected, you have retained broken packages.

And I am a beginner so I dont know how to correct the dependencies or the broken packages. I have found some webs with different solutions, but none of them worked.

Could someone please help me?
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