Possible support for Livestream.com?


New Member
Would it be possible for you to include streaming support to Livestream or possibly other streaming services in the future?


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yep, I just don't know any of the livestream server info. do they give you any information on RTMP servers and such?


New Member
They have a guide on how to stream to their servers using FMLE. I have the structure of the stream link right here:
They also provide a bunch of advanced variables on this page here.


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hm, so there -is- a username/password thing. may have to wait for 0.37 or 0.38 before I get it in. I could give you a trick to get it working for now though, try using custom, typing in "publish.livestream.com" into the server box. then typing in "mogulus" into the channel box, then typing in "[your_channel]/username=[username]/password=[password]/isAutoLive=[true|false]" into the stream key box. should then work, I believe. make sure to replace those values with your username/password/etc


I found some streaming services too.
Cybergame.tv (may be useful for CIS, because streaming servers locate in Russia). Structure of streaming link:
Channel: live
Play Path/Stream Key: ?<play_path>/<stream_name>
Server: st.cybergame.tv or mskorigin.cybergame.tv

Channel: publish-dm
Play Path/Stream Key: <stream_name>
Server: publish.dailymotion.com

And why you need three fields for fms link? Do you not like fms url + stream name like in Adobe FMLE? :)


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The three fields thing is really more just bad design on my part. Each RTMP provider has their own URL parameters.. Most seem to rely on just the playpath and channel name (hence the three boxes for server, playpath, and channel), but some also use extra parameters (like livestream apparently). I'll be modifying the design there so that each service can use their own custom set of parameter fields.

For the custom, It could just be one box where you can enter a full RTMP URL, such as "rtmp://server.com/channel/playpath[/appdata1][/appdata2][/...]", but I don't like the idea of that data being exposed to the stream, so I may leave it as is and add more info on usage in a tooltip after I get tooltips in.


New Member
Hi again. Sorry Jim, but the trick didn't work. I'll tell you what happened though. When I tried the combination you gave me, I received an error upon attempting to stream.

After making some modifications:
  • using my channel's name as the channel name instead of mogulus
  • using "publish.livestream.com/mogulus" as the server address
  • using "username=[username]/password=[password]/isAutoLive=[true|false]" as the stream key
I managed to start streaming without any error. The thing is, the stream remained offline.

I'm guessing that OBS is making communication with Livestream's servers but Livestream's either not handshaking or they require some specific stuff before allowing programs to send to their servers. Idunno. I had the same problem trying to stream to Livestream using FFsplit. They too said it could be done if the stream link was properly formatted, and it as well was sending stuff to their servers, but the stream just wasn't going online. Oh well.


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yea, sorry, I made a mistake typing out the original combination I gave you. the one you figured out though is essentially the same thing I was trying to do, so it should have worked. there definitely must be something up with the way livestream works. I'll have to see if I can't get an account and try to make it work or something.


New Member
Hopefully this will help a bit with this Livestream problem.

I've managed to get a stream with FFMpeg by using this (in a bat file)
set user=pystub
set channel=pystub
set pswd=

set lvst=mogulus/%channel%/username=%user%/password=%pswd%/isAutoLive=true/autoVOD=false/autoRecord=false/autoPilot=true/aspectWidth=16/aspectHeight=9
set target=-f flv "rtmp://publish.livestream.com/%lvst% app=%lvst%"
goto source

rem some things skipped

ffmpeg %source% %encoding% %target%
A lot of switching logic was removed, but this starts the stream and makes it live, so everyone sees it (not just in Livestream studio). I've tried skipping on some parts of the final URL but only this seems to work.


Forum Admin
I've gone over this in the quick start guide which should theoretically work

For FMS URL, enter the following:

For Stream Key, just enter livestream

Let me know if that's wrong.