
New Member
My recording format is mkv (yes it supports multiple tracks).
I have set my first track to be the streaming track and the second, the third and the fourth to my recording tracks (so only streaming works).
My audio streaming track bitrate is set to 160 and the others to 320
My microphones, desktop audio, bla bla bla and setted up.
These are my advanced audio properties:
Anotação 2020-02-02 173818.png

This is my last log file:

Can you please help me?


Active Member
VLC, like most players, only plays back one track at a time-- you can select it from a menu.

Are you saying when you choose one of the other tracks, it plays nothing? Or are you playing back the file and hearing only one track at a time?


New Member
VLC, like most players, only plays back one track at a time-- you can select it from a menu.

Are you saying when you choose one of the other tracks, it plays nothing? Or are you playing back the file and hearing only one track at a time?
I'm saying that only the first track works. If I put all the tracks to the first one, all of them will work. In my case, I use the first track only for streaming (because we can't have multiple tracks for streaming) and the others for recording.


Active Member
I'm unable to duplicate this. If I assign an audio source to a track, and I set that track to record, and I play back the file in VLC, if one track can be heard, then they all can.

I don't see any errors in your log during recording that indicate an encoding issue.


Active Member
According to your log, you write tracks 2, 3 and 4 to your video file. Which contain desktop audio (2), mic (3) and additional mic device (4).

These tracks appear as 3 different audio tracks in any media player. If you tell the media player to play the first audio track, you only hear your desktop audio. If you tell the media player to play the second track, you only hear your mic, and if you tell the media player to play the third track, you only hear your additional mic device. The media player never mixes these tracks, you only hear one track at a time. To have a mixed version, you need to additionally write your track 1 with OBS, which contains every source, or you need to use some postprocessing software, mix tracks 2, 3, 4 to a mixed track and replace these tracks with the newly mixed track. That is, by the way, the point of multiple track recording.