Question / Help OBS text now in what looks like Spanish?


New Member
can someone help me put it back to English? As I speak English and not whatever this is?

If it's easy to give me instruction like.. click Perfil.. then third menu item ..etc

I wish I was joking.



Active Member
Sorry to nitpick, but you didn't select Spanish, you selected Catalan (català).
2nd Button on the right Configuracio->first dropdown list to select your favorite language -> D'acord to save and restart OBS.
This is one of the moments I realize that it pays off that I took Latin as 2nd foreign language in school - you are able to get along with all Romance languages.
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New Member
aah. catalan! I have spent enough time in Barcelona I should have known better. Honestly, that the exact answer i was looking for, I appreciate your help!
