Question / Help OBS Studio dropping frames (network?), while OBS Classic doesn't


New Member
Hi there,

I've recently switched to OBS Studio from OBS Classic and I've noticed that I'm getting a lot of dropped frames with OBS Studio. I did two test recordings, about 8 minutes long each, one with OBS Studio and one with OBS Classic, both running the same settings:

1080p canvas (actual resolution is 1440p) downscaled to 720p
60 fps
x264 medium preset

According to the logs, OBS Studio dropped 1202 frames due to "insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls", while the OBS Classic recording didn't drop any frames. The OBS Studio VOD also has very inconsistent frame rates, presumably due to the dropped frames?

OBS Studio VOD -
OBS Studio log -

OBS Classic VOD -
OBS Classic log -

I have a dual PC setup, specs below for reference:

Game PC:
Titan X
ASUS PG279Q + 2xDell U2412 monitors

Stream PC:
2xE5-2690v3 (ES)
Datapath VisionSC-DP2
One of the Dell monitors is connected to the stream PC as well.

I have two ISPs, which I can use simultaneously, or split traffic for certain apps/games. I usually stream through one ISP and game through the other. I have verified that I'm not dropping any packets and I have sufficient bandwidth to stream at the above settings.

P.S. Both recordings seem to have a lot of skipped frames as well. CPU utilization on the stream PC doesn't really go above 30% with these settings.

P.P.S. I'm also getting some minimal screen tear, which can be noticed on edges various objects/buildings.

P.P.P.S. OBS Classic seems to have some micro stutter, that I can't seem to figure out as well. That's one of the reasons I switched over to OBS Studio.


New Member
Yeah, it's weird, I don't think there should be any difference either. Here's the screenshot



  • Capture.PNG
    20.2 KB · Views: 95
Interesting, The Paris server is not giving you a high quality connection, from those results Frankfurt would work better. In the quality column you are looking for figures of 80 and above so you are not far off but I'd try the Frankfurt server.

I live in England and usually get better response from Amsterdam or Frankfurt than I do London


New Member
The log files provided were using the Frankfurt server. I'm trying Amsterdam now, but it's the same with OBS Studio, around 4-5% dropped frames.


New Member
Yes, I already checked it out before posting. Unfortunately it doesn't cover my case, as I can stream with OBS Classic just fine. I've been streaming for 2 hours with OBS classic now and I have 0 dropped frames.

There's only the slight screen tear/micro stutter :) There's several threads about it, but no real solution was posted.


New Member
Bump. I'm able to reproduce this every time. OBS Studio drops about 4-5% of all packets, while OBS Classic doesn't drop any frames/packets.

I wanted to check if I actually have any packet loss while streaming (link saturation, although I'm sure my link is not getting saturated...). I checked the rtmp server I was connected to and sent 100 packets to it, while streaming, using paping (a modified ping version, that can ping specific TCP ports, since Twitch rtmp servers are filtering ICMP). During the time paping ran, OBS reported ~300 dropped frames, while paping reported 0 lost packets.

Log file:

paping results:

Connected to time=39.52ms protocol=TCP port=1935
Connected to time=37.52ms protocol=TCP port=1935
Connected to time=48.01ms protocol=TCP port=1935

Connection statistics:
Attempted = 100, Connected = 100, Failed = 0 (0.00%)
Approximate connection times:
Minimum = 37.02ms, Maximum = 54.60ms, Average = 42.65ms


Forum Admin
Try using TwitchTest with a 64kb TCP Window. This is currently what Studio uses, it doesn't have dynamic tuning like Classic yet.
Thanks @R1CH that's useful as quite a few people have been complaining about dropped frames with Studio but not Classic. So if a network is just acceptable in terms of quality OBS Classic might well give a better networking experience that OBS Studio is that correct?


New Member
Hi R1CH,

Thanks for chiming in, love your tools btw, they've been a great help so far! :) I ran TwitchTest several times and I'm getting very random results with 64kb TCP Window size, including random test fails. These 4 tests were performed within 30 minutes. First two tests were with both ISPs active (let's assume they're being used on a round-robin method), 3rd and 4th tests were ran with each ISP separately.




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Forum Admin
It's hard coded for now. I plan to port the OBS Classic network features to Studio at some point though.


New Member
I'm sorry for bumping this thread, just want to mention i also still have this problem with OBS Studio. I've been ripping my hair out trying to find out what the problem was until i found this post and tried OBS Classic again, which doesn't drop any frames whatsoever to twitch (no matter which ingest server).

What confused me even more was that i can stream perfectly fine to with OBS Studio without dropping any frames even with a bitrate of 4000 and 60fps. I would really love to stay on OBS Studio since i greatly prefer its interface but for now i seem to be forced to use Classic. :/


New Member
Hellow, I have the same isuse, its really bad for me becuse I can stream with ROXIO HD PRO only with OBS Studio version, so by the moment I can't stream anymore because the frame droops. Normal OBS works fine with twitch at this time but ROXIO HD PRO does no work with this version. This is my report, sorry for my english. You are really great people, i love this software.


New Member
This is happening to me too. I feel AWFUL because I've been hounding my ISP only to pinpoint it to be an OBS Studio issue. Randomly during the stream the upload drops to zero then shoots up to twice the bitrate that I have it set to before going back to normal -- which causes the stream to either drop or for my viewers to enter buffer city. I really really love Studio and hope that this issue is looked into soon. My viewers and I would really appreciate it. <3
Is this issue still something that is possible? Got a friend reporting similar issues with OBS Studio. Classic working fine to stream but with Studio the bitrate drops to 300kb/s and starts dropping frames.


New Member
I hate to bump a thread so old. But i'm 99% sure this is the exact problem i'm having. I would love to use studio but at its current state i drop to many frames. But with stream labs recent decision to not support obs classic i'm stuck here in this thread.
Will OBS Studio be getting the Classics "Dynamic Tuning" as stated by R1CH
Try using TwitchTest with a 64kb TCP Window. This is currently what Studio uses, it doesn't have dynamic tuning like Classic yet.
It's hard coded for now. I plan to port the OBS Classic network features to Studio at some point though.

Please get this going or help find a solution


New Member
I hate to bump a thread so old. But i'm 99% sure this is the exact problem i'm having. I would love to use studio but at its current state i drop to many frames. But with stream labs recent decision to not support obs classic i'm stuck here in this thread.
Will OBS Studio be getting the Classics "Dynamic Tuning" as stated by R1CH

Please get this going or help find a solution