OBS Studio allow capture video "following the mouse cursor" ?


New Member
Thanks for reading my post.
OBS Studio Linux version have some feature allowing to capture record the screen following the mouse cursor as being an circle zoom area ?
Have an nice day.


Active Member
I'm not sure what you're asking.

Do you want to highlight the mouse in a fixed capture area? That's relatively easy: there are several different things that will highlight the pointer, independently of OBS. Pick one of those, and OBS should pick it up too.

Do you want to move the capture area to keep the mouse centered in it? That's a lot harder. It *might* be possible to use the Advanced Scene Switcher to capture the position of the mouse, and then crop a fixed capture based on that position.
If you need help doing that, it would be better to ask in the plugin discussion thread:


New Member
Thanks for your reply.
I want see if is possible screen capture as if moving the mouse the pointer is the camera.
