Question / Help OBS preview window black since Ubuntu 20.04 upgrade


New Member
Hi folks,

I've used OBS a bunch of times before but having just upgraded to 20.04 I now get a black preview screen (the main canvas view). If I get options on each source I see the capture is working but the overall composite view is empty. If I resize the UI I can see that the view isn't repainting properly: I see bits of the previous UI still in the area that should be full of preview. If I bring up the "windowed projector" window I see the composite view.


Additionally my newer webcam (new since OS upgrade; not tried with prior version) doesn't work: I get a flickering black and white image (I also see the webcam light flashing on and off super quickly). The webcam works in other video apps.

I apt purge'd, re-added the PPA and reinstalled; no difference.

Happy to try anything to help diagnose: please let me know if I can do anything else.




New Member
I've found that maximisng and unmaximising the window "helps" (I get to see a little bit at least): maximising it on my second monitor reliably "breaks" it again, but if I move the window over to my "main" monitor, adjust the size of the window (a tiny bit), then things start working. Any size adjustments while the window is on the second monitor break things again. I attach the logs from the most recent session here:


New Member
Seeing the exact same thing with Pop!_OS 20.04. (Only manifests on my laptop’s screen; my external monitor is fine.)


New Member
OK, so this is curious. It appears that the issue is more precisely this:

On 20.04, it only works without screen corruption on the monitor that starts at origin (for me, I have two monitors, side-by-side. The monitor I set as the one on the left in GNOME settings is fine. On the other OBS is corrupted. It isn’t related to which monitor is set as primary/secondary. If put the external monitor on the left, OBS’s preview displays fine on it. If I set the laptop’s monitor as on the left, OBS runs fine on it. On whichever monitor is set as the right one, the preview doesn’t display and the interface appears corrupted.



New Member
btw, the windowed preview works well for me, just the window where I could actually change the size of the bounding boxes and arrange the layers is black.


New Member
My preview doesn't work either (my cam works tho).
Odd thing: For me it was sporadically (I think it's permanent now), but it just appeared and disappeared by itself a couple of times. Now it's still there and I don't think it'll go away anymore.
After closing OBS, I'm getting some GLXBadDrawable errors in the log. Anyone else as well?


New Member
Brand new to OBS - trying to use it for some local screen recording applications - not live streaming. I'm on Pop! OS 20.04 and I have yet to get anything to appear in the preview window (black). Thus I can't crop/scale the sources I need to work with. However, I can start to record, alt-tab to my source window and verify recording is actually occurring properly. I'm using dual monitor (laptop + hdmi) setup and running in HiDPI mode. Moving OBS to secondary monitor does not change situation. I will note that if I move OBS window to secondary monitor and right click, the popup context menu stays on the primary (laptop) moniitor. Frustrating. Watching this thread to see what transpires...


New Member
A possible solution... I came across this article on lack of NVENC support in Pop OS in the build from the repositories. The article suggested installing from a SNAPD source instead to get a customized ffmpeg. So I uninstalled OBS and reinstalled from the alternate source and voila! I now have the ability to use the preview window... Hopefully no other bugaboos hiding in the wings.. Hope this solves the problem for others...
