Question / Help OBS on Catalina crashing. Related to passwords?


I have an odd situation. My OBS session is crashing and it seems like its related to passwords being entered in Safari. That doesn't seem right.

I'm running OBS and UPDeck on my MacBook Pro. Last week I noticed that if I logged into UPDeck with a password OBS would crash. It took me a while to figure that out so I went in and removed the password in UPDeck and the crashing stopped.

This morning I am at home setting up for tonight's show. That means I am loading up images and mp4s to be used in various scenes. It also means I am running OBS, but I don't have all of my inputs for sound and video connected.

Everything has been fine for several hours and I was editing UPDeck commands via Safari. I opened a second tab in safari and logged into another unrelated site. As soon as I submitted my password in the unrelated tab an OBS crash message popped up.

I've attached the OBS log file from the session that crashed. I also capture the crash info from the Catalina crash notification and attached it.

I recognize that its probably not passwords that are crashing things, but I would appreciate any guidance on what is doing it.


  • obscrash.txt
    137.1 KB · Views: 15
  • 2020-03-11 11-10-35.txt
    15.9 KB · Views: 15


Just as a follow up, I note this in the release notes of 25.0.4 so I guess I wasn't crazy.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using secure input fields on macOS. Because of a likely bug with macOS Catalina that was causing this crash, if you use secure input while using OBS, external hotkeys will no longer function for the duration of the program, so if you use hotkeys with OBS, we do not recommend using secure input while using OBS. (This is a temporary fix to the crash because the only way to fully work around it is likely rewriting the entire OBS macOS hotkey handling to a different hotkey-capturing method)
I note, however, that the latest MacOS release is 24.0.6 so this fix isn't available on Mac yet.