Bug Report OBS Keeps crashing


New Member
I just literally had the same problem within the last week. It ended up being the latest windows 10 update to cause my problems. Uninstalled latest windows 10 update and back to normal again.


New Member
And you didn't think that maybe, just maybe, that the latest version from nvidia might be the problem?

I Updated the driver after I got the "Map Texture Error". so no I didn't because it didn't make sense to me.

And to be honest, as a user - a Customer - I want something that works. Of course I know that devs are human too and they might not think about everything, which is ok for me. the problem here for me was, that they don't even look up and support us to find out what the issue could be. Some response like "we're investigating" or "we're working on problem" would be nice. their response was "it isn't a OBS problem"

another user wrote it was a windows 10 Update and he uninstalled the windows 10 update... so obs now has to bring a new update of it's softwarre which is compatible with the new windows 10 Update. and no, the users are not supposed to uninstall the windows 10 update so OBS works on their computer.

all this is my opinion and what I think how it should work if you offer a software. if it's not the philosophi behind this project, this is ok for me too.


New Member
Don't really think it's the w10 updates or drivers (I have them disabled, i turn them on manually occasionally because otherwise they suck up my bandwidth at inopportune times). However it might be a firefox update. I noticed it seemed to happen when I typed a url into firefox, i turned off hardware acceleration in firefox and haven't had a crash with the new version yet. It's only been a couple hours though, so It's too early for me to be sure.

Edit: I've been streaming for a week since posting this and the crashing is completely gone. Definitely going to peg this as some kind of conflict between obs and firefox' hardware optimizations.
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