Question / Help OBS issue 'stopping recording' Pain in the ****


New Member
Hey all,

Hoping someone or the devs can shed light on this issue. Obs all of a sudden started playing up and it's caused me major issues. When you hit 'stop recording' it stays on 'stopping recording' and will not shift from that. the only way to 'stop' is to terminate OBS which of course then screws the file up. It will only save the first few minutes - I lost 4 hours of footage today. When you kill OBS - an OBS process still hangs around - and until you kill this second process; the video file will not 'write' to the hdd......when you check the file you may have a few minutes of footage - in some cases; the file doesn;t write at all.

I've now lost about 14 hours of recording to this issue and I really hope there is a fix or I'll need to find a new platform to record with - hope Devs can rectify this clear issue with OBS as it's an amazing program - but I need something reliable and won;t cause me the grief this has caused me (missed a video deadline and about to miss another now).

If there is any information you need then please ask - I have pasted a copy of the latest log below. I'll stress that my system has not been updated nor has it changed in the 3 days I've been experiencing this issue. Help me OBS Kenobi, you're my only hope. Log file attached.

I have tried a complete uninstall *reboot* reinstall - no joy. have tried running under a different profile; no joy. Tried running with admin privs; no joy. cleaned registry - no joy. tried on a virtual machine - worked for a bit; then started failing.


  • 2016-09-05 20-44-13.txt
    12.5 KB · Views: 684


New Member
semi similar to my issues and they have only been happening for 3-4 days... mine actually drops bandwidth and freezes though then I go to stop stream and it does what you said. similar log errors too


New Member
Osiris; I need to be able to record multiple audio streams so FLV is not an option; I'll try with MKV - does it support multiple audio streams? A better idea of what the problem is would be helpful as it's been working fine until a few days ago. Does the log shed any light - I see numerous errors in the log - but having never had this type of issue before; I do not know if these 'errors' are typical.


New Member
Ok - so tried with MKV - same issue. Hit stop doesn't stop. Exit OBS - no file written (can see file placer) have to go into task manager; kill this other OBS process and then file writes. However; as previously; will only save a certain portion; end up losing the last bits of the recording - so not a solution for me :(


It might be worth trying some custom mp4 settings to see if you can limit how much is being lost; bear in mind that this will make the file slower to open and in some cases will mean the player will only play the first few seconds of the file. VLC should work.

Try with the recording format set to "mp4" and the following in "Custom Muxer Settings": "movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov min_frag_duration=4000000" (thanks to @Suslik V for this)

This should give you a four-second fragment size, which should theoretically mean that the most you'll lose in a crash is the last four seconds of video.

Some players and editors, however, will only see the first four seconds of video - or none at all - and so you'll probably need to remux before editing.

Beyond that it's probably going to be down to how much was buffered vs. how much was written before whatever is going wrong goes wrong.


New Member
Appreciate the suggestion and will certainly give that a go. I'd really like to get to the bottom of this issue though - I really don't want to spent time remuxing etc - I'd be as well as migrating back to DXtory - I dislike Dxtory for many reasons but it is stable. OBS is my platform of choice; but with these recent issues.....the shine is fading!

Thanks for your input; massively appreciated :)


New Member
Still looking for a solution on this. The best solution I've found so far is uninstalling and moving to Dxtory; I'd really like to keep using OBS.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
By any chance do you have the latest Windows 10 update KB3176938 installed? If you do, could you try rolling it back and re-testing? Recent Windows 10 updates have been breaking things left and right.

** Please keep in mind, this is a temporary suggestion for diagnostic purposes. I don't advocate permanently avoiding Windows updates. **
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New Member
RytoEX - I do indeed have that update installed. I shall remove post haste; test and get back to you! Thanks for pointing that out - did some research on that update and indeed; seems to be causing quite a few issues.


New Member
I'm having the same issue. Been using OBS to record gameplay walkthroughs for my YouTube channel, but just purchased and installed a new microphone (Razer Seiren) and now I get the "stopping recording" message when I try to stop. I'm not technically savvy at all, so hoping for a very simple explanation. I do not want to have to find a new program to use to record my videos.
I'm having this exact same problem.

Edit: Uninstalling update KB3176938, will report back my findings.

Edit 2: I recorded an hour of uninterrupted footage just now. I was getting hangs every 20 minutes. This appears to be the fix.
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New Member
So, after uninstalling the update you mentioned, you had no trouble with the "stopping recording" issue? Also, what are "hangs"?



New Member
I changed my output settings from 1080 x 1920 to 1280 x 720 and the problem was solved.


Active Member
MKVs don't "finalize" the way mp4s do. This was more likely related to something in your advanced FFMpeg settings-- you're getting small amounts of rendering and encoding lag, and you're recording at 144fps. Are you doing slow motion?


Active Member
Use the standard NVenc settings and presets for h.264 encoding. Unless you know exactly what you're doing, recording with HEVC is very difficult to get working properly.