Question / Help obs game capture = black screen

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  • "If you cannot set the GPU (AMD laptops typically), or wish to cross-capture an image from the other GPU after that (example, league of legends lobby window), use window/monitor capture with the "compatibility mode" option enabled to force a capture. "Compatibility mode" requires a bit more CPU usage however."
I can´t activate compatibiliity mode. Neither on 64 or 32 bit Version


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ok i made an account to add to this topic

i also had this black screen issue brand new msi gaming laptop so this wont work on desktops the steps i used are as follows
this bit is a direct copy paste from the site

Nvidia's control panel -> 3D settings on the left -> Global tab on the right -> Click the drop-down box below that, select the nvidia -> Click Apply and OK -> Restart OBS and game.

what i would add is i had to alt tab out of the program i was trying to record, to obs then back to the game the footage then showed up and i was able to play and capture from the game capture, source option with the game properties application set to the game
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