OBS Freezing (28.0.1)


New Member

I'm having an issue with OBS freezing (Not Responsive) randomly. This started happening after the Version 28 was released. I can't seem to determine what specifically causes it. Sometimes it will work for only a few min, or sometimes it will work for an hour or so. The only way to recover is to end task via task manager.

Troubleshooting So Far:
1. Uninstalled/Reinstalled - On different drives and different sources (meaning it was originally downloaded on Steam and now it is currently downloaded from the OBS website).
2. Removed Sources - I removed all sources and added them back one at a time to see if a source was an issue. Wasn't able to p[pinpoint an issue.

CPU - Ryzen 9 5950x
Ram - 64GB
GPU - 3080
Windows 11

Log File: https://obsproject.com/logs/KtUChndfVqkWmK3X


Bump. I am also on Win 11 and also started experiencing this after the update. OBS will just randomly freeze during the live broadcast


New Member
I'm having the exact same issue, also running similar equipment (Ryzen 3700x, RTX3070, Windows 10). It's essentially put on the brakes of my streaming until I can figure out how to fix it. Thought I'd drop as much useful info here as I can:
  • The issue started shortly after upgrading to version 28, so I immediately rolled back to 27 and the problem is still occurring. I've gone back between 28 and 27 with fresh installs each time and still no luck.
  • The freeze happens regardless of whether I'm streaming/recording or not. Had it left open not doing either and it locked up after about 20 minutes. Happened multiple times while streaming and recording, and multiple times while just recording.
  • Sometimes it lasts 20 - 25 minutes before freezing, sometimes 3 - 4, very rarely it will last about 3 seconds after opening before happening.
  • Log file looks identical to yours (no meaningful information other than basic diagnostic stuff I would expect to see) and because it's not actually crashing, no crash log is being generated.
  • I was using the obs.live Stream Elements framework so thought that might have something to do with it, getting rid of that didn't help.
OP I'd be really interested to see if you're getting this problem after going back to OBS 27


New Member
I'm having the exact same issue, also running similar equipment (Ryzen 3700x, RTX3070, Windows 10). It's essentially put on the brakes of my streaming until I can figure out how to fix it. Thought I'd drop as much useful info here as I can:
  • The issue started shortly after upgrading to version 28, so I immediately rolled back to 27 and the problem is still occurring. I've gone back between 28 and 27 with fresh installs each time and still no luck.
  • The freeze happens regardless of whether I'm streaming/recording or not. Had it left open not doing either and it locked up after about 20 minutes. Happened multiple times while streaming and recording, and multiple times while just recording.
  • Sometimes it lasts 20 - 25 minutes before freezing, sometimes 3 - 4, very rarely it will last about 3 seconds after opening before happening.
  • Log file looks identical to yours (no meaningful information other than basic diagnostic stuff I would expect to see) and because it's not actually crashing, no crash log is being generated.
  • I was using the obs.live Stream Elements framework so thought that might have something to do with it, getting rid of that didn't help.
OP I'd be really interested to see if you're getting this problem after going back to OBS 27

My problem is identical, the only difference being hardware and windows version. It seems like we both did nearly the same troubleshooting steps as well, with identical results.

I had stream elements installed as well, which uninstalling did not fix the problem.

Since we haven't received a response to this post and I couldn't get help via their discord either, I have since uninstalled OBS and reluctantly installed Stream Labs OBS. Other than one similar freeze when I first installed it (which makes me think there may be more to it then just their software), it has solved the problem.

If you had said you were using windows 11, I would wonder if having a Ryzen CPU could be a factor to consider. Given the intial issues with Ryzen CPU's on windows 11.


New Member
OK so I managed to fix the issue but completely rebuilding my scenes from scratch. This means creating and working from a new Scene Selection, rather than just creating new scenes in whatever collection I was already using. Managed a 2.5 hr stream today with no issues.


New Member
Since we haven't received a response to this post and I couldn't get help via their discord either, I have since uninstalled OBS and reluctantly installed Stream Labs OBS. Other than one similar freeze when I first installed it (which makes me think there may be more to it then just their software), it has solved the problem.
I also took the plunge into SLOBS but was immediately turned off by the fact that plugins aren't a thing! That and the general inability to customise things was not great.

I see you liked the message I sent about the fix I found, just wondering if you've had any luck with that?

Ghost Striker

New Member
I was with the same problem and I solved it after use OBS Log Analyzer and it showed me that because I activated Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduler in WIndows 10 it was causing the freezes on OBS 28. After Disabled it, no more freezes.

I suggest you upload your LOG to the OBS Log Analyzer website to see if you can find the cause.



New Member
I literally made an account here to discuss this issue.
I had this exact problem happen to me, and it has been a disaster of a month trying to record videos with my capture card because of it.
I tried every solution on this thread, amongst other troubleshooting guides, and none of them fixed my problem.
I just found my solution, and it hasn't been discussed.

You all are looking at software, but try switching out your hardware individually to see if that's the issue.
My USB-C to USB cord wasn't long enough, so I got a longer one so I could stop using my bed as my desk when I recorded from my capture card. This happened simultaneously with the OBS 28 update, and it's taken me this long to figure out that it was the cord that I got crapping out after a minute of being overused. The worst part is I did research on getting that cord so something like this wouldn't happen and I still got the shaft. I'm avoiding Aukelan brand everything from now on as well as not judging an online purchase by it's star ratings.
I'm not exactly sure if OBS requires a better USB cord than before and that could be the issue, but it's possible this cord could have worked before the update and the update caused this to happen, but the cord I got with my capture card has always worked.
I hope this helps some of you find the solution to your problems as well.


Just an update, after I upgraded to 28.0.2 my issue with OBS randomly freezing has been resolved. There is now 28.0.3 as of writing this and hopefully won't find any major issue. Thanks y'all


New Member
I removed this file obs-virtualoutput.dll from computer as it said that it needed to be updated or removed. I could not find an update and don't think there is one available. I deleted the file from computer and now I am encountering black screen! I am not 100% sure this is the problem as we had a windows 10 update in between, but seem to have checked and found no problems with the update. How do I add this file back in? I want to see if it will correct the problem


New Member
I can almost guarantee all you guys the solution is to disable gpu hardware accelerated scheduling
This was not a solution for me. Video preview still freezes randomly, whether live streaming or not, and whole software becomes unresposive after clicking one button on it.


New Member
I'm having the exact same issue, also running similar equipment (Ryzen 3700x, RTX3070, Windows 10). It's essentially put on the brakes of my streaming until I can figure out how to fix it. Thought I'd drop as much useful info here as I can:
  • The issue started shortly after upgrading to version 28, so I immediately rolled back to 27 and the problem is still occurring. I've gone back between 28 and 27 with fresh installs each time and still no luck.
  • The freeze happens regardless of whether I'm streaming/recording or not. Had it left open not doing either and it locked up after about 20 minutes. Happened multiple times while streaming and recording, and multiple times while just recording.
  • Sometimes it lasts 20 - 25 minutes before freezing, sometimes 3 - 4, very rarely it will last about 3 seconds after opening before happening.
  • Log file looks identical to yours (no meaningful information other than basic diagnostic stuff I would expect to see) and because it's not actually crashing, no crash log is being generated.
  • I was using the obs.live Stream Elements framework so thought that might have something to do with it, getting rid of that didn't help.
OP I'd be really interested to see if you're getting this problem after going back to OBS 27

I've been having the same issue as described by @SimonLove01

For me it started after upgrading to OBS v28 back in October. I was then on Win10 (Intel i7, RTX3070 TI)
  • I am now on Win11 and OBS 28.1.2. Still same issues. OBS freezes up (i am not recording or streaming).
    Updated my NVIDIA drivers to recent version - still same issue
  • Tried a fresh install of OBS today - still same issue.
The OBS log files says nothing special and no crash log is created. Windows event viewer is equally not interesting, just stating "The program obs64.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed."

I decided to try disabling GPU hardware accelerated scheduling (HAGS), as explained by @spartanz1080
This requires a reboot of my computer. When I did this, I got a Window blue screen issue. A couple of more boots and somehow I was able to get back into Windows. Could be that this is an indicator that there is an issue with Windows / "HAGS" / RTX3070?

I hope the trick with disabling "HAGS" is the solution. Been testing for more than 30 mins now without any freeze. Will continue to monitor this week. Got a stream on Sunday I hope will run smooth.

If this is not the fix, my next step is to rebuild all my scenes from scratch and see if this helps.

Thanks for all the good help in this thread!



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New Member
I've been having the same issue as described by @SimonLove01

For me it started after upgrading to OBS v28 back in October. I was then on Win10 (Intel i7, RTX3070 TI)
  • I am now on Win11 and OBS 28.1.2. Still same issues. OBS freezes up (i am not recording or streaming).
    Updated my NVIDIA drivers to recent version - still same issue
  • Tried a fresh install of OBS today - still same issue.
The OBS log files says nothing special and no crash log is created. Windows event viewer is equally not interesting, just stating "The program obs64.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed."

I decided to try disabling GPU hardware accelerated scheduling (HAGS), as explained by @spartanz1080
This requires a reboot of my computer. When I did this, I got a Window blue screen issue. A couple of more boots and somehow I was able to get back into Windows. Could be that this is an indicator that there is an issue with Windows / "HAGS" / RTX3070?

I hope the trick with disabling "HAGS" is the solution. Been testing for more than 30 mins now without any freeze. Will continue to monitor this week. Got a stream on Sunday I hope will run smooth.

If this is not the fix, my next step is to rebuild all my scenes from scratch and see if this helps.

Thanks for all the good help in this thread!


I'd like to share an update with you and perhaps this can be of help to others struggling with OBS becoming unresponsive/freezing/hanging.

I discovered multiple issues with my PC. Looking in Event Viewer I found out I had some issues with integrity on Windows files. I ran "sfc /scannow" (as Admin in Command Promt) and several issues was found, which could not be repaired.
I decided to do a full reinstallation of Windows 11.
This fixed the issues in Windows.

I did a full reinstallation of everything. Drivers, software, OBS, plugins.
Then as I was creating my new scenes and setting OBS up (without streaming) - it froze / hang completely.
Still nothing in OBS logs.

I then remembered to disable GPU hardware accelerated scheduling (HAGS) again (as this was enabled by reinstalling Windows)

After this I have not had any more issue with OBS hanging. Today I streamed for almost 3 hours with no issues.
Except from when I was exiting. Then it froze completely.

If it's only going to be freezing up when I am done streaming, I guess I can live with it.

Attaching Windows problem log and my log from today's stream if there are anyone here which can make any more sense of this than I.



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  • windows-problem-log-obs.txt
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