OBS freezes during long streaming


New Member
Hello everyone. Two media sources have been added to OBS Studio by URL (not a local file). These two sources are automatically reloaded using a Python script. I also have Advenced Scene Switcher installed. The problem is that when I start a live broadcast, after about 2-3 hours, the stream completely freezes (0 kilobits per second), the preview also freezes, as well as the audio from another source. The entire UI also freezes. And when I try to close OBS, I finally get an error from Windows that the application is not responding.

Those two media sources have no audio and I turned them off through the settings as best I could. At the same time, the logs still tell me that the audio in these sources lags, although how can it lag?

In addition to all this, before the total freeze, it happens that small freezes of the media source slip through. The picture first goes normally for 5 seconds, and then freezes again.

How can I fix this?


  • 2024-09-22 10-00-49 problem.txt
    151.4 KB · Views: 14
  • 2024-09-23 09-49-21 problem.txt
    143.3 KB · Views: 7


New Member
I will also add that this happens every other time. Once everything is fine and the broadcast works smoothly without interruption for up to 12 hours. And sometimes after 3, 2, and sometimes even 1 hour everything freezes.

It happens that it does not freeze completely, but just the image of the media source lags. Only restarting the media source helps. Moreover, the problem is not in the source itself. You can see this for yourself by going to the site https://sochi.camera/vse-kamery/cam-155/?format=json and copying the value "hd_url" to your OBS. Also, here is the Advanced Scene Switcher config, if it matters.


  • adv-ss-Безымянный-2024.
    77.3 KB · Views: 7


New Member
I think I've found a new reason. It's not the length of the stream, but the actions that happen during it. I found a connection when my Wi-Fi turns off and on again, after a minute (sometimes after 5 minutes) this glitch happens.

It's noteworthy that I use the YouTube account linking system. Maybe that's the problem?


New Member
In general, after many hours of study, I finally came to the conclusion that the only way to solve this problem is to recreate the entire scene collection from scratch. I created a new collection through the top panel, uploaded the same sources there and this problem does not occur there.

However, I found out that on the wrong scene profile, which is glitching for me, the error appears under certain circumstances. I have a modem with mobile Internet. If you reboot it, the Internet IP address changes. When this happens, OBS tries to reconnect when the broadcast is running and when it connects, it freezes after 3 minutes. Moreover, if you simply turn off Wi-Fi on the laptop, this error with the freeze does not appear. This is all very strange, considering that with the same OBS and Advanced Scene Switcher settings, everything works for me on a different scene profile

I also noticed that the new scene profile works much faster than the old one. In general, I don’t know, maybe some errors have accumulated in the code or something like that. I'll attach two configuration files here if anyone wants to analyze them. I'll also write here if the error returns on a new scene profile.


Where Wrong is the broken profile
Where Correct is the new one. Original file extension is json.


  • correct.txt
    297.8 KB · Views: 5
  • wrong.txt
    342.7 KB · Views: 5