Question / Help OBS FPS PROBLEM


Town drunk
Please do not unnecessarily bump your topic. I know that you are frustrated, but figuring out these issues takes time, and we're all volunteer over here and can't always get back to you right away.

Something is very wrong with your system, and you may eventually want to consider wiping and starting fresh. Your system should absolutely not be struggling this hard with your chosen settings. There is something going on in the background that you need to figure out.

First thing you should do is download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and run a scan after you have booted your PC into safe mode.


New Member
I'm sorry and i completely understand. I will only bump the post when i have feedback.

Ok. So, i downloaded malwarebytes anti-malware and did a full system scan in safe mode and there were no threads/anything detected.

i also ran my other AV program, total defense, and i also got nothing detected.

Does that mean that i don't have a virus and that it might be a hardware problem?

Everything works great in-game even when i stream the only problem is for some reason my frames lag an INSANE amount.

Thanks for helping me so far by the way, i really do appreciate it. I would like to again apologize for bumping my thread.


Total Defense is not really a serious AV, to be quite frank. There are better ones out there, even for free.

Regardless, as I and Krazy have already pointed out before and as I will do so again -- there is no reason for your PC to struggle that hard. It is not a misconfiguration or an error in OBS. Something really is wrong with that installation of yours and there is very little that we can say or do in addition to what has already been said and done.

Seriously consider re-installing Windows, avoid any trash AV's and be careful about your general PC use and configuration, that's about all I have left at this time.


New Member
14:44:25: Total frames rendered: 1337, number of frames that lagged: 1335 (99.85%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)

14:47:48: Total frames rendered: 2074, number of frames that lagged: 2071 (99.86%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)

14:51:27: Total frames rendered: 1890, number of frames that lagged: 1888 (99.89%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)

14:55:20: Total frames rendered: 2875, number of frames that lagged: 2823 (98.19%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)

14:57:27: Total frames rendered: 1526, number of frames that lagged: 1507 (98.75%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)

why are all my frames that lagged over 98%....


Because as was stated numerous times before by now -- something is really, really very wrong with that PC of yours. Please have it looked at by someone who is intimately familiar with PCs and/or who is a professional.