Question / Help OBS Dropping MASSIVE frames all of a sudden

So I changed it to those settings and the recording was MUCH lowerr in frame rate pretty much overall.
strange, it should not impact performance. was there a memory size option in bios when you enabled QSV? make it 1gb. its maximum for dynamic allocation so it wont eat your ram. usual usage with encoder is max 200mb. it should look something like my pic


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New Member
Was I not using the 64 bit version? whoops? lol

I disabled render standby but the max i could set pre allocated or whatever to was like 512 mb...


New Member
I don't think it did. But I set it back to balanced and main, and it seems to have fixed it. Maybe my CPU just can't handle "Quality"? anymore? LOL honestly I have NO idea why this happened all of a sudden but hey...

I'll keep you posted tomorrow on if the problem seems to be fixed for SURE. I'll record a long session and see if the recording is good. Sometimes long recordings cause problems for me
is your monitor 60hz and desktop refresh=60?
try deleting current obs profile and setting up everything again
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New Member
Delete my OBS profile? As in my account or just like re-installing it or what?|

And yeah my monitor and desktop refresh are 60


these are data control methods for encoder, cbr spams same amount of data every second no matter whats on the screen, not very good for recording. crf tries to keep same level of quality depending whats on the screen and adapts bitrate smart way.

you always need vsync, but some games may record better or worse without it

no downsides, encoding will be done by intel gpu freeing cpu load.
some1 could argue x264 always has best quality but diff is nearly nonexistent unless you are fanatic and analyse image quality with magnifying glass. qs may result in slightly bigger files

when you enable it, win10 will probably install some old driver automatically. run DDU in safe mode after, clean intel and install latest stable from intel site. installing new over old without ddu will 99% lock you in crash loop
i know this was in 16, but google search may lead others here. there are downsides to using QSync, depending on your system. None of my video editings work well or at all when i try to put a QSync file in them. however they work fine with Nvidia or x264.

I'm using the i5-4690k