I still see some FPS drops in games like Rust, but this is a) alpha/early access, b) unoptimized piece of crap eating my CPU alive & c) CPU-load around 90% so it might be OBS running into problems.
This is the last log (was recording with 35000kbps most of the time, the beginning is just messing around cause i forgot to set it to recording):
Got a shitload of Cleared D3D11 Capture messages in the log, no idea what should i think about it, specially while recording for 1,5 hours straight.
Also the performance is a bit lower than expected, with win8.1 i could record with same settings but slower preset (faster), right now i have to fall back to veryfast, otherwise OBS would overload my CPU. I expected the performance would be better, not worse on a new fresh system (and in general i got a nice performance boost with win10, but not with OBS)...