Bug Report OBS cutting down FPS.


Posted this already, but in a different section.

Right now i have a huge problem with OBS cutting down my FPS in many games while using game capture.
OBS: 0.652b
CPU: i7 5820K @ 4,5GHz (rockstable)
RAM:16GB DDR4 2866 (OC)
SSD:Samsung 840EVO SSD (OBS installed there and also some affected games).
GPU: GTX 970 Windforce (heavy OC, over 1500Mhz core)
100/6mbit/s connection
1080p display resolution (multimonitor-setup).
Latest updates, drivers and a clean 2 weeks old system. Everything else is performing perfectly.

Some games suffer more, some less. The main problem is LoL. When i play offstream, i have 200-500FPS (depends on the load).
With OBS capture active i drop down to 30 (lowest number) and the frame times suffer also so even 60fps dont look smooth at all. With monitor capture i can maintain between 120-150fps with nice frametimes. I´m still waiting for a fix, because monitor capture is the worst method overall, there is no way anyone would use it over game or window capture (what is normal for LoL launcher and client).


Yes i know the preset is a bit low, i usually stream with faster or fast to compensate for the really low bandwith (only 3500). And the same happens with 720p 60fps @ veryfast (so there is no cpu limit at all, all cores are sitting around 30-50% load).


Active Member
Try lowering the webcam resolution to like 800x600 (or a close 16:9 resolution)
Also what happens when you just have a game capture source active?

Monitor capture on windows 8 is actually pretty good btw, on Windows 7 the performance was abysmal.

Does OBS multiplatform give you the same problems?


I use Windows 10 with the current 10240 build (but the problem was present with previous builds, nothing changed).
I used my webcam always with the native resolution (1080, its a Logitech C920 - very popular model, well known and stable).
And the OBS is the old one, i need some plugins that are not avaliable in the OBS MP.
I need my game capture working, while maintaining the 1080p resolution for the webcam.
Plugins that are used: CLR browser plugin, modified (twitch alerts & Ubiquitous2 chat).

Overall i see a huge decrease in the encoding power with Windows 10. I was able to use a slower preset with 1080p 60FPS before than right now (faster was working great on 8.1 giving me around 70% load max, right now i use veryfast because with faster i will hit the CPU-limit). 720p 60FPS was possible with the "fast"-preset, right now it hits the CPU limit again, lowering my ingame FPS or even give me a high CPU usage warning in OBS.
I expected an increase in performance, not a decrease.
And no, windows 10, the old OBS and all the plugins will stay, same goes for the webcam resolution. Maximum quality that i can squeeze out of 3500kbps is the goal.


Active Member
If you don't want to test stuff, then I can't really help you.
Also why do you need the webcam to be 1920x1080, if it's just a box in the corner.

That log you posted was btw from a session you did on windows 8, not from windows 10, could you post a log from when you were running on windows 10?
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Well you'll need to complain to MS then. They're the company making Windows 10.

As to any potential fixes, sorry OBS is in life-support. OBS MP is where any such fixes/improvements will go.


Well MS did nothing wrong, i have tested it for a pretty long time now and its rocksolid. Some minor bugs here and there, but right now the pre-release version 10240 looks amazing and also runs amazing.
I can try the OBS MP, but i`m missing a lot of stuff there, its far from being done. Nothing wrong with it. But 95% still use the old OBS and it should work so far - it still gets updates, so i`m waiting for it.


Active Member
I wasn't suggesting to switch over, but just use it for testing purposes, mayb it already would perform better in obs multiplatform?
Also we don't know if it's caused by a bug in obs, so fixing anything is gonna be problematic. Having a cam at 1080p usually causes some performance problems.


Well i had the camera always @ native 1080p. Tested it with 720p - same stuff.
I know MS changed some DX stuff and Aero, but you have to adapt anyway, because the release is near and people will jump on it just because its free.


Here some updates on this stuff. After updating anything what was possible, i recorded a short video showing off the capture problem with the ingame FPS counter running (so i dont get the hook problem while adding an overlay like Afterburner/Riva to the game).
Here is the log file:

Standing at the base to get the highest FPS possible and avoid FPS drops.
Game Capture cuts down the FPS so hard, they drop even below 30 while streaming a fullsized game with 10 people on the map etc.
And here is the video:

Webcam, CLR host plugin, modified plugins for Ubiqitous2 chat and everything else was disabled in the scene, but loaded in the background.


Active Member
Weird that the fps tanks so much.
I just tried the same with CSGO, the fps barely dipped when activating the game capture.
This is on a i5 3570k with a GTX 770 on Windows 10


Try LoL, summoners rift map with bots (just the normal map if you dont have a highlvl account).
I can try it with other games, but in CS:GO and a couple of other games i got the same stuff, fps dropping hard while using game capture.
No idea what is the reason for it, but i have a feeling that DX12 implementation and Aero changes may cause this. Gonna try a couple of different games with different engines (and an FPS counter ingame) to look what is going on and how can i reproduce it.
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New Member
Have same problem, when i playing with out OBS - have 120-200 fps (random games) but if i try to recorg game - fps cutting to 45-50


New Member
Same here,

This is on the official release of Windows 10, on 7/29/2015

I have a 3930k @ 4.2ghz and 2x 780's, FPS tanks like mad on Windows 10 with ArmA 3/DayZ, but only in the preview/recording/stream.

Let me know if there's anything I can post that might help fix this.
I tried monitor capture, window capture, and game capture.

I should add that literately moments before upgrading to Windows 10, I tested it with Windows 8.1 Pro and everything was fine in terms of FPS and so on with my exact same settings, etc.
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Active Member
I've did a longer recording with CSGO (limited to 144 fps) but it didn't drop when activating the capture.
Also played a game of League with bots, 200-300 fps (depending on what was going on) without recording and capturing, ~ 150-210 fps (depending on what was going on) with recording and capturing. So no weird fps tanking into the double digits.

All of this is with game capture btw, since that's the most efficient method.

In OBS-mp it was about the same.
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Well then its my system, hardware or software here causing the game capture to have a huge impact. The CPU load is actually higher than with Windows 8.1 with same settings.


New Member
I've did a longer recording with CSGO (limited to 144 fps) but it didn't drop when activating the capture.
Also played a game of League with bots, 200-300 fps (depending on what was going on) without recording and capturing, ~ 150-210 fps (depending on what was going on) with recording and capturing. So no weird fps tanking into the double digits.

All of this is with game capture btw, since that's the most efficient method.

In OBS-mp it was about the same.

How odd.

I can't even record ArmA 3 at a stable framerate, it'll jump between 11-15.

Prior to changing to Windows 10, I could record at 1080p, 30 fps no problem.

Though -- OBS isn't the only program doing this. I attempted with DXTory and it ended with the exact same result that I got in OBS preview.

which is really weird because both of those were working before the upgrade.
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Any news on this stuff?
I know a lot of you guys working on OBS on older OS and a lot of the time is pushed into OBS MP, but it would be nice to recieve some bugfixing on the old one until the MP version can replace the old OBS completly..


New Member
After upgrading to windows 10 and using the exact same OBS settings as I did on 8.1 I noticed a very bad performance decrease aswell, using an i5 3470 @ 3.6 ghz, 8 GB ram and a GTX 970 trying to livestream Project Reality (Battlefield 2 Mod) I had as low fps's as 20-30 when I usually had very fine performance in that game when livestreaming it on windows 7 and 8.1, the performance decrease happened as soon as I started the game capture otherwise it was fine.

However later yesterday I decided to try OBS Multiplatform and my results were much better, during testing with that I had very good FPS and less cpu usage then with normal OBS, I could stream in 60 FPS @ 720p and a 3500 bitrate without any problems, and it was more or less the same performance as I had on 7 and 8.1 but even better I thought. I pretty much used the exact same settings on multiplatform as on normal OBS too. I definitely think there's something wrong there with how it works on windows 10 currently at least for some hardware specifications.


New Member
Same issue with Windows 10 and ingame performance being impacted a lot. MP build did not help. i5 4690k + HD7950


I am here to report that just running preview is causing my FPS to drop in OBS (Windows 10) and just having OBS-MP running, doing nothing, causes my FPS to drop DRASTICALLY. We're talking a 30+ fps lose on a simple encode. Both x264 and QuickSync yield the same lose. Window Capture and Game Capture both yield the same lose.

So far this seems to be limited to Planetside 2, CS:GO seems uneffected. I have other games I can try

1440p Base Res, 640p60 Encoder Res
3500Kbps x264 Very Fast and QuickSync, same results
R9 290


1440p Base Res, 640p60 Encoder Res
3500Kbps x264 Very Fast and QuickSync, same results
R9 290
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