Question / Help OBS Crashing


New Member
I am using 15.4 since you said there was a updated version of OBS. And what do you mean by "regular"


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I am using 15.4 since you said there was a updated version of OBS. And what do you mean by "regular"
OBS Studio can generate two kinds of log files - normal logs and crash logs. Crash logs are located at "%AppData%\obs-studio\crashes" while regular logs are located at "%AppData%\obs-studio\logs". Each type contains different information which can help isolate an issue, so you should post both types when both are available.

Looks like a browser source may be causing a crash? Your regular logs should help out here.


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Okay, so there are a few errors going on here related to these sources:
  • Alert
  • Salem Block
  • Video Capture Device
"Alert" is a browser source, and the crashing thread seemed to be in a browser source.

"Salem Block" is pointed at an image file that seems to be missing.

"Video Capture Device" is a DirectShow device, and you're on the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. There have been a bunch of reports of issues with Windows 10 Anniversary Update and capture devices.

Your log shows a ton of errors after you switched to the scene 'Window Cap'. What is your Window Capture source trying to capture? Do you still experience crashes if you remove that Window Capture?


New Member
I am also having this issue. Started today. OBS just crashes after a few minutes of it running. I thought maybe it would be the Logitech drivers because they've been having issues with the Windows 10 anniversary update. So I uninstalled those and used the basic Windows drivers. OBS still ends up crashing unfortunately. Here's my log.


  • crash.txt
    50 KB · Views: 24


New Member
Yea I do want to say that I think all of this has started to happen ever since I got some recent windows update. Which could be the cause of it but not 100% sure.

I tried using a clear Scene Collection before and it was still crashing.
I just removed Salem Block.
I use Window Capture on Rainbow Six Siege on Window FullScreen.
I just removed the Window Capture and will see how the game runs on Screen Capture and Game Capture in the morning.


New Member
Alright was using a new Scene Collection with only 1 scene on it at a time and it was still crashing on Screen and Game Capture. I also removed Alert encase that was causing any issues. Here are 4 reports 2 from the Screen Cap Crash and 2 from the Game Cap Crash.


  • 2016-09-25 11-10-11 screencap crash log.txt
    7.3 KB · Views: 22
  • Crash 2016-09-25 11-16-25 ScreenCap Crash.txt
    50 KB · Views: 18
  • 2016-09-25 11-16-35 gamecap crash log.txt
    7.4 KB · Views: 19
  • Crash 2016-09-25 11-29-11 GameCap Crash.txt
    50 KB · Views: 14


New Member
Alright ill give it a try. And I forgot to add that I don't even haft to be live or recording for OBS to crash.


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Seems to be crashing on a crop filter. Can you try this on a fresh Scene Collection, with only a Display Capture Source with no filters or cropping? After that, remove the Display Capture Source and use Window capture with no filters or cropping.

@gnazghoul isn't necessarily wrong. There are issues with Windows 10 and video capture devices (webcams). It's just not clear if that's what's happening here. Still, if you do try it, let us know what happens.


New Member
After I applied that patch, I've been able to record for 2 hours without crashing. If I run into any issues I will try that out RytoEX.


New Member
i have used obs but next day it not start at all just ask to save crash log please here the file help


  • Crash 2016-09-25 20-42-35.txt
    38.2 KB · Views: 17
  • Crash 2016-09-25 20-42-35.txt
    38.2 KB · Views: 12


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Please start your own thread. Your crash does not look related to either of the ones here. When you do start your own thread, please provide a bit more detail. Please also provide regular log files and crash log files (where available) from before and after the crashes.


New Member
The 4 crash reports that I gave you were on a fresh scene collection without any filters/crops being used.
And it doesn't always crash and give me a report. The screen preview is frozen and if I was live I would end up being disconnected.
While the screen is frozen I can sometimes change the scene collection to force it to completely crash and give me a report.

Ran the game on Screen Capture and it froze. Running on Window capture and it hasn't crahsed/froze in 4 games so far.

Seems to be crashing on a crop filter. Can you try this on a fresh Scene Collection, with only a Display Capture Source with no filters or cropping? After that, remove the Display Capture Source and use Window capture with no filters or cropping.

@gnazghoul isn't necessarily wrong. There are issues with Windows 10 and video capture devices (webcams). It's just not clear if that's what's happening here. Still, if you do try it, let us know what happens.


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Well it crashed while attempting to record Forza. I will troubleshoot and return later.
If that's the recent Forza from the Windows Store, you cannot game capture it anyway. Windows Store Apps (Metro/UWP) cannot be captured with Game Capture or Window Capture, so Display Capture must be used.

The 4 crash reports that I gave you were on a fresh scene collection without any filters/crops being used.
And it doesn't always crash and give me a report. The screen preview is frozen and if I was live I would end up being disconnected.
While the screen is frozen I can sometimes change the scene collection to force it to completely crash and give me a report.

Ran the game on Screen Capture and it froze. Running on Window capture and it hasn't crahsed/froze in 4 games so far.
Disabling the OBS Studio preview may prevent the crashing/freezing, as a workaround.


New Member
The only issue with that is that I wont know if I actually crash while live streaming. Usually ill see the preview freeze and then I know right away that its down. I can watch a preview on a web browser but the downside is it uses a lot of CPU usage.

But I guess I can give it a try.