OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
https://obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.
This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll' module.
Fault address: 76B6DB18 (c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.659b
Windows version: 10.0 (Build 10586)
CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J1900 @ 1.99GHz
Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
095FDE38 76B6DB18 E0434352 00000001 00000005 095FDEFC kernelbase.dll!0x76b6db18
095FDE9C 62D7A701 00000000 F3EEEFE2 095FDFE8 095FC03C clr.dll!0x62d7a701
095FDF38 62F242E7 F3EEEF56 00000000 07CE0010 07CE0010 clr.dll!0x62f242e7
095FDF6C 62F39A6A 0A00013B 00000000 095FE734 618259B5 clr.dll!0x62f39a6a
095FDFFC 6180B82B 085BAFB7 095FE540 00000002 07CE0010 clrjit.dll!0x6180b82b
095FE00C 618259B5 07CE2FD4 89E2DB7F 07CE1A34 07CE0010 clrjit.dll!0x618259b5
095FE73C 61808340 07CE2FD4 07CE18F8 07CE0010 00000000 clrjit.dll!0x61808340
095FE7BC 61808535 07CE2F14 07CE18F8 04F3AD9C 07CE0010 clrjit.dll!0x61808535
095FE7D4 618085A6 095FE9B0 095FEB4C 00103810 095FEB50 clrjit.dll!0x618085a6
095FE7F0 6180C433 095FEB00 005FEBB8 095FE9B0 095FEB4C clrjit.dll!0x6180c433
095FE828 6180C890 08058EEC 00000001 095FEBB8 095FE9B0 clrjit.dll!0x6180c890
095FE8A0 6180BF5B 095FEB50 095FEBB8 095FE9B0 095FEB4C clrjit.dll!0x6180bf5b
095FE998 6180128B 61878518 095FEB50 095FEBB8 00103810 clrjit.dll!0x6180128b
095FE9BC 62C93483 095FEBB8 00103810 00000000 095FEB08 clr.dll!0x62c93483
095FEA10 62C9481F 095FEBB8 00103810 00000000 095FEB08 clr.dll!0x62c9481f
095FEA50 62C94864 095FEBB8 00103810 00000000 095FEB08 clr.dll!0x62c94864
095FEABC 62C94187 00000000 00000000 F3EEDFF2 04F3AD9C clr.dll!0x62c94187
095FEE74 62C9445C 00A836A0 00000000 00000001 F3EEDFCA clr.dll!0x62c9445c
095FEF58 62C953C6 00000000 F3EEC0EE 053EE28C 095FF05C clr.dll!0x62c953c6
095FEFDC 62C88B0D 095FF00C 04F3AD9C 00014FB8 053EE2AC clr.dll!0x62c88b0d
095FF054 62C71831 053EC4A4 095FF140 61D2B437 053EC41C clr.dll!0x62c71831
095FF0D8 61D47304 053EC41C 00000000 00000000 00000000 mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d47304
095FF0E4 61D2B437 00000000 053EC450 00000000 095FF170 mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d2b437
095FF148 61D2B386 00000000 053EC450 00000000 053EC450 mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d2b386
095FF15C 61D2B341 053EC450 00000000 00000000 095FF1A0 mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d2b341
095FF178 61D4728C 07CA7C00 095FF1E8 62C7366F 095FF22C mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d4728c
095FF190 62C71376 095FF22C 095FF1D8 62D7A01A 095FF2C0 clr.dll!0x62c71376
095FF19C 62C7366F 00000004 053EC484 62C78C5A 095FF20C clr.dll!0x62c7366f
095FF1F0 62C7D376 095FF290 F3EEC2CA 095FF4A0 095FF6DC clr.dll!0x62c7d376
095FF260 62D866D5 095FF738 07CA7C00 095FF6DC 095FF484 clr.dll!0x62d866d5
095FF3D4 62C7D6B7 F3EEC426 095FF6DC 00000000 00000000 clr.dll!0x62c7d6b7
095FF3E8 62C7D721 F3EEC442 07CA7C00 095FF6DC 00000000 clr.dll!0x62c7d721
095FF48C 62C7D7EE 07CA7C00 095FF5B0 62D4A5AA 095FF6DC clr.dll!0x62c7d7ee
095FF4E8 62D4A649 095FF6DC F3EEC512 095FF694 095FF6DC clr.dll!0x62d4a649
095FF4F4 62D4A5AA 00000002 62D4A634 095FF6DC 01000000 clr.dll!0x62d4a5aa
095FF5B8 62D4A62F F3EEC6DA 095FF6DC 00000000 00000000 clr.dll!0x62d4a62f
095FF5DC 62C7D721 F3EEC676 62D8644A 07CA7C00 00000000 clr.dll!0x62c7d721
095FF680 62C7D7EE 00000002 00000000 00000001 62D865D8 clr.dll!0x62c7d7ee
095FF6DC 62C7D868 00000002 00000002 F3EEC7D6 62D8644A clr.dll!0x62c7d868
095FF700 62D864FC 07CA7C00 0000027F 00000000 00000000 clr.dll!0x62d864fc
095FF77C 62D7601D 07BF5430 774B38D0 62136145 095FF96C clr.dll!0x62d7601d
095FF918 774B38F4 07BF5430 10C75E8D 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x774b38f4
095FF92C 775E5DE3 FFFFFFFF 7760B7B6 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x775e5de3
095FF974 775E5DAE 62D75FD4 07BF5430 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x775e5dae
A minidump was saved to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2016-09-19_1.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.
List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
https://obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.
This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll' module.
Fault address: 76B6DB18 (c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.659b
Windows version: 10.0 (Build 10586)
CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J1900 @ 1.99GHz
Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
095FDE38 76B6DB18 E0434352 00000001 00000005 095FDEFC kernelbase.dll!0x76b6db18
095FDE9C 62D7A701 00000000 F3EEEFE2 095FDFE8 095FC03C clr.dll!0x62d7a701
095FDF38 62F242E7 F3EEEF56 00000000 07CE0010 07CE0010 clr.dll!0x62f242e7
095FDF6C 62F39A6A 0A00013B 00000000 095FE734 618259B5 clr.dll!0x62f39a6a
095FDFFC 6180B82B 085BAFB7 095FE540 00000002 07CE0010 clrjit.dll!0x6180b82b
095FE00C 618259B5 07CE2FD4 89E2DB7F 07CE1A34 07CE0010 clrjit.dll!0x618259b5
095FE73C 61808340 07CE2FD4 07CE18F8 07CE0010 00000000 clrjit.dll!0x61808340
095FE7BC 61808535 07CE2F14 07CE18F8 04F3AD9C 07CE0010 clrjit.dll!0x61808535
095FE7D4 618085A6 095FE9B0 095FEB4C 00103810 095FEB50 clrjit.dll!0x618085a6
095FE7F0 6180C433 095FEB00 005FEBB8 095FE9B0 095FEB4C clrjit.dll!0x6180c433
095FE828 6180C890 08058EEC 00000001 095FEBB8 095FE9B0 clrjit.dll!0x6180c890
095FE8A0 6180BF5B 095FEB50 095FEBB8 095FE9B0 095FEB4C clrjit.dll!0x6180bf5b
095FE998 6180128B 61878518 095FEB50 095FEBB8 00103810 clrjit.dll!0x6180128b
095FE9BC 62C93483 095FEBB8 00103810 00000000 095FEB08 clr.dll!0x62c93483
095FEA10 62C9481F 095FEBB8 00103810 00000000 095FEB08 clr.dll!0x62c9481f
095FEA50 62C94864 095FEBB8 00103810 00000000 095FEB08 clr.dll!0x62c94864
095FEABC 62C94187 00000000 00000000 F3EEDFF2 04F3AD9C clr.dll!0x62c94187
095FEE74 62C9445C 00A836A0 00000000 00000001 F3EEDFCA clr.dll!0x62c9445c
095FEF58 62C953C6 00000000 F3EEC0EE 053EE28C 095FF05C clr.dll!0x62c953c6
095FEFDC 62C88B0D 095FF00C 04F3AD9C 00014FB8 053EE2AC clr.dll!0x62c88b0d
095FF054 62C71831 053EC4A4 095FF140 61D2B437 053EC41C clr.dll!0x62c71831
095FF0D8 61D47304 053EC41C 00000000 00000000 00000000 mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d47304
095FF0E4 61D2B437 00000000 053EC450 00000000 095FF170 mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d2b437
095FF148 61D2B386 00000000 053EC450 00000000 053EC450 mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d2b386
095FF15C 61D2B341 053EC450 00000000 00000000 095FF1A0 mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d2b341
095FF178 61D4728C 07CA7C00 095FF1E8 62C7366F 095FF22C mscorlib.ni.dll!0x61d4728c
095FF190 62C71376 095FF22C 095FF1D8 62D7A01A 095FF2C0 clr.dll!0x62c71376
095FF19C 62C7366F 00000004 053EC484 62C78C5A 095FF20C clr.dll!0x62c7366f
095FF1F0 62C7D376 095FF290 F3EEC2CA 095FF4A0 095FF6DC clr.dll!0x62c7d376
095FF260 62D866D5 095FF738 07CA7C00 095FF6DC 095FF484 clr.dll!0x62d866d5
095FF3D4 62C7D6B7 F3EEC426 095FF6DC 00000000 00000000 clr.dll!0x62c7d6b7
095FF3E8 62C7D721 F3EEC442 07CA7C00 095FF6DC 00000000 clr.dll!0x62c7d721
095FF48C 62C7D7EE 07CA7C00 095FF5B0 62D4A5AA 095FF6DC clr.dll!0x62c7d7ee
095FF4E8 62D4A649 095FF6DC F3EEC512 095FF694 095FF6DC clr.dll!0x62d4a649
095FF4F4 62D4A5AA 00000002 62D4A634 095FF6DC 01000000 clr.dll!0x62d4a5aa
095FF5B8 62D4A62F F3EEC6DA 095FF6DC 00000000 00000000 clr.dll!0x62d4a62f
095FF5DC 62C7D721 F3EEC676 62D8644A 07CA7C00 00000000 clr.dll!0x62c7d721
095FF680 62C7D7EE 00000002 00000000 00000001 62D865D8 clr.dll!0x62c7d7ee
095FF6DC 62C7D868 00000002 00000002 F3EEC7D6 62D8644A clr.dll!0x62c7d868
095FF700 62D864FC 07CA7C00 0000027F 00000000 00000000 clr.dll!0x62d864fc
095FF77C 62D7601D 07BF5430 774B38D0 62136145 095FF96C clr.dll!0x62d7601d
095FF918 774B38F4 07BF5430 10C75E8D 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x774b38f4
095FF92C 775E5DE3 FFFFFFFF 7760B7B6 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x775e5de3
095FF974 775E5DAE 62D75FD4 07BF5430 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x775e5dae
A minidump was saved to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2016-09-19_1.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.
List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module