Question / Help Obs causing huge cpu spikes up to 65% use

Did a bios reset and now the game itself feels smother lmao, also streamed for 15 mins with veryfast and no additional commands without a problem. I will go back to bios now and do the oc to 4.4 almost the way it was and see whats going on with that, could be my mobo actually since its a chipset lower than would be fortunate.
I did oc it back to 4.4ghz @1.45 vcore, memory back to 1600mhz, cool n' quite on, and thus far its great. I guess something got fucked up in the bios, i also reset ccc so it could have been that.
Okay so it drops in bf3 still and i tried ps2 with 4.6 @1.5 vcore and it drops there too now so could it be that my mobo cannot consistently provide the v needed for the cpu?