Pretty much the same code as the debug build, just in release now:
I was just going to post "get AMF working on Win7 already :P" but then i had an interesting happening.
When i tried the "new" build it didn't instantly crashed while using AMF but took a bit longer til the bitrate started going.
The interesting part though is that it didn't crashed because of d3d11.dll, but the OBS.exe itself (according to windows)
Still al ot of "Failed to create D3D11 texture." according to the main log.
This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\users\olivermd\desktop\obsvce_2014-09-08\obs.exe' module.
Fault address: 00B0A323 (c:\users\olivermd\desktop\obsvce_2014-09-08\obs.exe)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.63b (test build 3)
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz
Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
0E55FE08 00B0A323 00279880 0E55FEEC 76F49F72 00279880 obs.exe!Convert444Thread+0x163
0E55FEA8 7695338A 00279880 7B581CC9 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x7695338a
0E55FEB4 76F49F72 00B0A1C0 00279880 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x76f49f72
0E55FEF4 76F49F45 00B0A1C0 00279880 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x76f49f45
A minidump was saved to C:\Users\OliverMD\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2014-09-08_8.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.
List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module