OBS being open causes audio stuttering in music and youtube videos


New Member
So recently I've been having this problem when I have OBS open where my audio stutters when doing playback of YouTube videos or music.

It occurs even if OBS isn't recording or streaming.

It started happening after I replaced my power supply in my computer. I went from a 750w to an 850w.

I am not running OBS as administrator.

Log File: https://obsproject.com/logs/vWDMfVK4tlq1wTvM

PC Specs:
CPU: Ryzen 3700x. Task manager reports CPU usually sitting at 25% usage with OBS open, but rarely spikes to over 90%. HWinfo reports CPU temps usually sitting at 60 degrees Celcius or lower.
GPU: 3060 Ti.
RAM: 32 GB DDR4-3000.


New Member
UPDATE: I also had a GoXLR mini connected through an aux grounding loop to Astro TR mixamp. Unplugging the GoXLR causes the audio stuttering to cease.