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OBS Autostarter 0.5a


Very handy resource, thank you. Could the resource be updated so that more than one program could be opened or closed when OBS starts or closes? I'm thinking about having a list of programs [say up to 5 for example] with an "open at OBS startup" check-box and "Close on OBS exit" check-box beside each one so that you could decide which programs to automatically open and which ones to automatically close? I'd find that really useful. Thank you.


Very handy resource, thank you. Could the resource be updated so that more than one program could be opened or closed when OBS starts or closes?
Typically with scripts you can duplicate the script and add it into OBS multiple times. Doing so would achieve what you're after.


Typically with scripts you can duplicate the script and add it into OBS multiple times. Doing so would achieve what you're after.
I’ll give that a go. I’ll try renaming the script a couple of times, load the newly renamed ones and see how that goes. Thanks!


New Member
I modified the script slightly to allow for multiple programs without having to deal with copy pasting the script x amount of times. This version uses
editable_list with OBS_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE_FILES as opposed to path so the interface looks a bit different as well. I changed the unload and launch functions to work with this new system. The updated version is in the zip attached or can be found here:

Edit: i dont know why my username is this on obs forums i didn't even know i had an account, i have attempted to change it but its awaiting mod approval, apologies for that.


    1.1 KB · Views: 58


A very handy update!
An option to load up multiple executables and specify that some autoclose on OBS quit, and other don't would be the icing on the cake.

Also is it possible to have the cmd windows not show up, but rather stay minimised or silently launch? Having multiple cmd windows opening and closing visually is a bit distracting.
And lastly, the description says 'Starts programms when OBS is started.' It should be programs, not programms.


New Member
Hello I have a problem with the script. When I try to use it, it says (the following is an approximative translation since I have the error message in french) Windows can't find "StreamLabels.exe" . Be sure the name is correct and retry. The name could only be correct as I didn't choose it. Can you help me please ? Thank you very much.


New Member
Hello and BiG THX for this nice script!
Is it possible to open a small Programm (Stream Timer) with a "stay on top" command?
if yes - how? ^^
There is a utility app, called “Launch On Top”, I think, that you can utilize as part of bat or vbs “startup” script… check it out…



New Member
Awesome script guys!
Quick suggestion! Is there a way to make it so we can set a delay between the softwares?
Like, If I open OBS, wait for 4 seconds then open another software.

That would help with apps needing WebSockets to be fully initiated so they can connect.

hilom arime

New Member
Hello @DaviBe! Thanks for the update, works really great. I was wondering, if it would be possible for the next update, to create a checkbox for minimize the started program after startup? This would be nice for apps like StreamerBot/TwitchSpeaker, for example, that you just need to be running but not at foreground. Thanks!


New Member
A suggestion/request - some kind of bypass... most of the time, I want all applications to autostart. There are times, for example, during testing something, I do not need or want all the normal applications to launch.


New Member
Hello @DaviBe! Thank you so much for your script! It saves a lot of time and headaches, especially with autoclose. One suggestion for a future update is to provide an option for launching an application minimized! I modified your script to do this for my startup (just added the /MIN flag to the executable line), but I think it would make a nice addition. Again, thanks for the great script!

HAHA, I just saw the entry from @hilom%20arime after posting my comment! Sorry!!!


New Member
I'm on MacOS and the script isn't working for me. The enabled checkbox is checked. Does this just work with .exe files only? Or .app files as well? Thanks in advance